Wisdom Qigong Uncovered

Hunyuan Qi Therapy and Qigong: Techniques used at the Medicine less Hospital - Britta Stalling

Britta Stalling Season 1 Episode 48

Hunyuan Qi Therapy, rooted in Zhineng Qigong, is a powerful self-healing method. In today’s Qigong podcast, Britta Stalling explores its techniques, founded by Master Yuantong Liu at the medicineless Huaxia Centre, established by Dr. Pang Ming. This holistic energy therapy uses external Qi and Zhineng Qigong exercises to activate self-healing.

Hunyuan Qi Therapy, rooted in Qigong principles from Dr. Pang's renowned center, offers a holistic approach to healing. Unlike Western medicine's symptom-focused treatment, this therapy emphasizes the body's innate healing abilities through conscious intention. The key is maintaining a positive mindset, focusing on the ultimate health outcome rather than current limitations.

Hunyuan Qi Therapy is a powerful self-healing method and a path to becoming a health coach. Therapists learn to give Qi treatments and influence the Qi field, receiving positive energy externally.

Consciousness is key in Hunyuan Qi Therapy. Britta explores its role in healing, while Master Yuantong Liu, a student of Dr. Pang, teaches these methods worldwide. His work has enabled many to become certified therapists, supporting self-healing.

Many seek alternative healing—Qigong and Hunyuan Qi Therapy offer balance, wisdom, and self-awareness. Join Britta as she shares techniques from the Medicine-less Hospital.

Mindful moments:

  • Hunyuan Qi Therapy is a qigong-based self-healing method for holistic wellness and balance.
  • The Huaxia Center, founded by Dr. Pang Ming, was the first medicineless hospital using qigong healing.
  • Qi and consciousness medicine use intention and energy to support the body's healing.
  • Unlike Western medicine, Hunyuan Qi Therapy addresses the root cause, not just symptoms.
  • Master Yuantong Liu has trained hundreds worldwide in Hunyuan Qi Therapy.
  • Healing with intention shifts focus from illness to a state of health.
  • Qigong therapists influence the Qi field to support health in themselves and others.
  • Many turn to qigong for self-awareness, balance, and holistic healing.

Links & Resources:

🌐 Online Course: Hunyuan Qi Fundamentals

🌐 Hunyuan Qi Therapy Program Website:

📘 New Book by Master Liu and Britta: Ancient Chinese Qi Medicine: The Secrets for Holistic Health, Well-Being and Modern Life:

🎬 Britta's other episodes:

🎮 Discover Qigong Game: https://www.zhineng-qigong-students-hub.com/discover-qigong/

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What techniques were used at the famous medicine less hospital, the Huaxia Center of Dr. Pang? Commonly known as Hunyuan Qi therapy and based on Zhineng Qigong science, they were key to many of the miraculous healings witnessed in those days. Together with Master Yuantong Liu, Britta Stalling has been passing on these techniques to students and teachers in the West.

for more than 10 years now. Let's hear what she has to say. My name is Torsten Lueddecke and this is the Wisdom Qigong podcast.

Welcome, everyone. Today, we've got Britta Stalling in our episode. It's the third time she's actually on the podcast. One was a roundtable discussion about why people heal, why some people heal and others don't.

And today we've got a very exciting topic. It is actually about the techniques that were used in the first medicineless hospital, the famous Huaxia Center founded by Dr. Pang. And Britta, if I understand that correctly, these techniques are usually called Hunyuan Qi therapy. Is that so? So thank you for inviting me to this podcast and, yeah, supporting the listeners to dive deeper into all these exciting information.

And, Hunyuan Qi Therapy, we can say is like a branch or like part of the, genetic consign system, focusing on learning and using the consciousness and Qi medicine to apply for yourself, but also if you want to support others to give Qi treatments for others. This is something. We have called Hunyuan Qi Therapy so that, people understand it is, something you can learn.

You can learn the skills, abilities, you can learn the techniques, the methods, to really be in a good position to apply Qi, consciousness medicine, for yourself or share it with others. So, if I think of the Medicineless Hospital and, the work that Dr. Pang does there and the pictures I have in mind, it's people practicing La Qi, people practicing the Lift Qi Up, people practicing the Wall Squats.

So where does Hunyuan Qi therapy fit into that? Is it something that has been added to it or how should I imagine this? So the zhineng qigong science system has, a couple of levels of practices and, you mentioned already some practice methods from zhineng qigong level one, but there's also level two, level three, even up to six levels.

People could study, whereas in the West at the moment, it's only zhineng qigong level one, two, and three, which is available. And the different levels, Exist then of methods, practices, you can, you know, learn, study, practice for yourself. And they have certain purposes like level one has the purpose to exchange the qi of your own, body with the Qi of nature.

Level two focuses more on going deep inside and enhancing the quality of Qi and the Qi flow by certain practices really go deep inside your own body. Level three now focuses, it's a bit, very simple explanation, but level three now focuses on the emotional, emotions related to the inner hormone system.

So the inner organs to really make the organs very strong. So that's a little bit of a simple description. So your question, how does Hunyuan Qi therapy fit in? So in Hunyuan Qi therapy, we also practice and learn. some methods, because we want to learn them to nourish our own health and well being. and we are training now ourselves to become a health and well being coach, also to give qi treatments to others.

In the Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Centre, the medicine less hospital, when you would come as a Let's say patient, you had a certain diagnosis and you would be grouped into, let's say a group of 30 or 40 people. You would have a teacher who would now teach the methods, level one, level two, level three, I'm not certain, but level one, level two, for sure.

And to, so that you have tools to practice. by yourself, even in that center, in there, in a group environment, of course, to enhance your health and well being. The same time, the teachers and healers were trained to give Qi treatments. Either they were trained to influence the information field, the qi field, to have a strong healing qi field.

I mean, normally each teacher, each healer would at least, you know, learn that and apply it. but also give individual treatments to people suffering from diverse, diagnosis or illnesses. So there's a certain. seven step, let's say, protocol, how you can give a Qi treatment. And, this is something the, the teachers and healers would do in addition to, you know, going through the methods and train with the people.

They would also have conversations, where they, support the. people to change their mindset. So, for example, change their mindset from being a patient. First step is change your mindset to become a student of Qigong so that you shift from the situation that others would take care of you to If you're a student, you start to be own your power again and know you can learn something which then can help you but you are the one who is controlling your health and well being and you are the one who are learning the methods or receiving the treatment with a conscious state of, yes, I am, you know, starting a recovery journey.

also in, in home energy therapy, we talk about the power of intentions. to the power to have actually a holistic health intention, because this is the first step in healing, that you're really clear about, yes, you are able to heal yourself. What does it mean, you know, then you need to find answers, of course, in that journey, but without a powerful intention.

It is more challenging actually to regain your health and well being. So in Hunyuan Qi Therapy we have, created a, let's say it's systematic approach to help people in the West understand how they worked in the medicine as hospital and what to take into consideration if you want to create your own healing journey or If you want to support others, it's, it's quite a comprehensive, let's say idea.

And Master Yuantong Liu, who is the founder of the Hunyuan Qi Therapy Program, together with me, he has taken the, education Dr. Pang Ming has offered to people in the medicine in this hospital, who wanted to become a teacher, wanted to become a healer. He took the whole content and structured it in a way so that people in the West like me can more easily access it and more easily trust it and have confidence that we can apply it for ourselves and for others.

And, so you mentioned, Master Liu already, he and you founded the Hunyuan Qi Therapy Program, I think it's now 11 or 12 years ago or something like that. And you've trained a lot of, I think it's 250 now, 250 certified. therapists, all over the world. And this program is mainly for people that, have an interest, a professional interest, or as a healer, or as an alternative, a medical practitioner to use these techniques to support others.

Right? But you also have some people, you know, that are using it primarily to heal themselves and then obviously if it's working so well, use it for their friends, their family on a more casual basis. So you don't have to be a health practitioner in order to participate in the program. But the program itself is obviously quite comprehensive and it usually goes for around, you know, between 12 and 24 months depending on the different modules your students choose.

But you've also taken the essence of these teachings for everybody to understand and for everybody to apply on a, you know, on a slightly simplified version, obviously, with your Life Changer course, Hunyuan Qi Therapy Fundamentals, which is in its fifth year now. And, starting Very soon.

So we put a link in, in the show notes. so this is more for people that say, Wow, this is a great concept. I want to learn more about it. But not necessarily for the people that will actually use it in their practice as an alternative healer, right? Yes. that's, that's right. I mean, we have, we, this program is a three weeks program for 24 hours.

And it really, we really thought about how can we present the fundamentals of Hunyuan Qi therapy. So to, like you say, to make it accessible for people coming with various needs or requests, or let's say life priorities. So we will actually share the fundamentals of what is actually Qi, what is Hunyuan Qi what is Qi medicine, what is consciousness medicine to, to get an understanding and maybe also to mystify it.

Master Liu is a very, empowering, Zhineng Qigong master where he, each time in these programs really delivers, practical skills and abilities you can learn on the spot and, also learn practices to understand, for example, the willpower of consciousness or how to nourish your own life force to enhance it, you know, stop depleting it.

we say there are two kinds of illnesses. So what does that actually mean? And how can you then, if there are only two kinds of illnesses, how can you then you know, use certain practices to, to heal them and recover from them. But also we talk a lot about the right mindset it often starts really with the mindset, you know, we've witnessed people who know all the tools, but because they don't have an upright, positive mindset, really trusting and believing themselves, they practice, practice, practice, and don't see, really see the results yet.

So we talk really openly about. all these ideas and share concrete practices, which people can put into practice immediately. And I would say that maybe some professional practitioners, you know, after they've practiced for a while, also can share based on this online program. Of course, the two years program, the Hunyuan Qi Therapy program in itself is set up in a way that you also receive mentoring and coaching.

You can ask your questions. You work with clients. We actually now help each other. I clearly remember 2014 when I started preparing the Hunyuan Qi Therapy program together with Master Liu. I was blessed enough to have, to support this whole initiative. I already met him in 2011, so I learned the skills and abilities in 2011.

I applied them successfully, but I didn't have colleagues to ask, you know, Oh, I now receive this client and he has this kind of issue. Hmm, which kind of tool or practice should I maybe share? You know, I've done now a healing session and it's completely recovered. Oh, I'm so happy. Can I share this please with somebody?

So this is very important to have a network of professionals worldwide. And now it's very interesting, especially the last one, two, three years, very seldom. we need to ask Master Liu directly. When I started in 2011, 12, 13, 14, I often asked Master Liu, you know, and also actually when we had the first programs, Master Liu really was, obviously is, is still always available.

But now we have a lot of wisdom in our community. So most of the times we can cover specific questions already within our community of educated, certified Hunyuan Qi therapists, which is quite profound. And then when we have special cases, obviously we, we ask Master Liu or normally I am the one asking Master Liu and then spreading the news again into our community so that everybody can benefit.

And that's quite profound because, to say that we have now a professional network of people around the world who Bring the skills, abilities of the medicine less hospital into the world. We can really say it's true. And it's increasing year by year. It's very rewarding actually, to be part of this, program and community and initiative.

We have a way you can discover Qigong. At the Zhineng Qigong Student Hub, we know that understanding Qigong is very important. And also, that Zhineng Qigong in itself has various nuances that people can't easily comprehend. So we've approached it in the style of a video game. On this page, Discover Qigong, you can select your character. So you can either be a beginner, a practitioner, or a holistic healer or self healer, and you click on your character and it takes you to these different sections. In these sections, you can explore the nuances and when you click on a card, all of the resources pop up and we've made it really fun and not many people know about it. So if you are interested, have a look and discover Qigong.

All right. That's all very interesting, Britta, but I'd also like to know, as concrete as possible. Now, what, what does it include for the teacher, that was at the Medicine less hospital?

how did they have to be, what did they do? What were the technical skills required? And maybe you can tell our listeners a little bit more about that. Yes. Ah, that's a great question. So I remember that Master Liu was sharing with us once that at least once a month, the teachers and healers came together to actually also exchange, you know, their knowledge and skills and, and, and share in a very open heart mind way, you know, what has worked and what didn't work.

And, so let's say lessons learned and out of these discussions, Master Liu has actually developed. what he calls the five technical skills, to, to give a treatment, but also to receive a treatment, like for the healing process. And maybe that is interesting indeed for the listeners to, to learn about, because you can even, you know, work with it without coming to the Hunyuan Qi Therapy Program, but obviously in the Hunyuan Qi Therapy Program, you will go very deep in learning it, applying it, and be very confident about them.

So, The first skill is that you open your heart and mind that next to the natural principles of life and evolving, life evolving principles, there are also consciousness principles. And that Human beings have the ability to strengthen their conscious abilities and enhance their conscious abilities to give a treatment, but also to receive a treatment based on Hunyuan Qi therapy.

So that you are in a position to change the disease information and the state of the disease having the impact on your physical body into, let's say, a consciousness, a healthy abilities and function of your body. So that we are really working based on the three level of substances. which Dr. Pang Ming has created a whole philosophy upon, including the information substance level, the energy substance level, and the physical matter substance level.

We understand we, the combination and how it's all related and how we can use our conscious consciousness to transform then an illness state into a healthy state. So that's the first thing. Let me see whether I understood that. So, what you are saying here is, we have an, I think you said something like the way things evolve anyway.

So say I'm a tree and I'm standing there as a tree and I get, disease because I've got some, parasites or something on my leaves. And then, the way things are, tree will try to heal itself but without any conscious direction. It's just what the tree does. If I get infected as a tree, I try to heal myself.

But this is not a conscious decision for the tree, it is just, you know, what the tree does. Now what you are saying is that as human beings, because we have a consciousness. Conscious consciousness, we can actually use that to, to, interfere in a way and to say, okay, wait a tick. I can see now, for example, I have this, you know, problem with my skin or whatever, and I can use my consciousness to redirect the information and out of the information, you know, my skin has a problem.

I use my consciousness to give the information. My skin is healthy, which is obviously supporting. You know, all of my being to get to the healthy state. Is that what you're saying? You know, I'm just trying to put in everyday language here. Or did I miss something? Okay. No, it's brilliant. And actually, I would like to build on what you've shared to give you a very concrete example.

So everybody has the experience to maybe cut the finger, right? By accident, something happens and we have a small wound in our finger. So we put a plaster around And in a natural way, the skin has the ability to grow together. And we don't even pay attention. And two or three hours later, we take the plaster.

out again, or pull it away, and we see, oh, beautiful, the skin is, you know, almost like normal. Maybe just, we see a little scratch, but it's almost like normal. So now imagine, and I share now a real experience I had with, one of our Hunyuan Qi Therapy participants, A few years ago, we were together in the training and she did, she did a hike and she came back, with, a wound in her leg, in her, in her calf area leg.

So above, above the heel, above the foot, foot actually. And we had a full training day and she was then, and after the training day, we were sitting together, we were sharing. Actually, a glass of beer, even, and then she said, Oh, I had this hike, but I, I hurt myself and look at my wound and we both looked at each other and said, okay, let's give a qi treatment.

That's now a perfect opportunity to practice and just do it. So we would then, you know, give a tea treatment. We would. agree to do that now, in that moment, put our beer aside, close our eyes, and then follow the steps Master Yuen Tong Liu has taught us in the program. So first we would close our eyes, we would organize the Qi field, we would really connect what we say heart to heart, mind to mind, our consciousness together, really building one field and expanding into the space, then collecting, gathering Qi, and then scanning.

and then do Fa Qi. So we would send holistic health information into that area, but we are not, that's another skill. We are not connecting with the wound now, with the illness itself or the, the issue. We would connect with the skin is healthy and our mind is trained that we go. inside. That's another skill.

We are not like on the surface, on the skin. We go into the skin, into the area, and together we collected, gathered qi and did fa qi for a while, and repeated the process. That's another skill. Master Yuantong Liu has shared with us that we repeat sending abundant, good, upright, healthy information again and again and again in circle until it's done.

Until we feel there's a shift, there's a transformation. Actually, we can sense that actually. And both of us sensed it and After a few minutes, 10 minutes of giving a treatment to her leg, and we opened our eyes, and we were literally shocked. Like the yellow part, it was like, I don't know the English word, when the wound is starting to have fluid, you know, this getting maybe an infection, completely gone, so it was dry, her skin was dry, and it shrinked.

So it was not completely gone, but it shrank, the area of the wound shrank, it was smaller, the fluid was like, disappeared, and we could clearly see it's done, I mean, the rest she could do by herself, and it, so it was, the next morning already better and better until completely healed. So sometimes to me it's still, I mean, I'm, I'm, I have a complete different background, you know, I came to zhineng qigong going, let's say, by coincidence.

Obviously looking back, it was not a coincidence. I had a powerful intention to prevent myself from illness. And a colleague recommended me to try zhineng qigong. It's still to me, it's still to me, magic. Which should not be magic because it is actually something each human being has the potential, the abilities.

Each normal person can learn this and apply it. Children have much faster access to this. idea because we've done children workshops and they are very fast in applying it successfully. Adults, what we need to do is we need to actually let go of frames of information we've collected and I come to another very important technical skill which is transforming the traditional knowledge.

or let's say separate our consciousness from the traditional knowledge. Like western medicine says, Parkinson cannot be healed, MS cannot be healed, ALS cannot be healed, certain eye disease like macular degeneration cannot be healed. Okay, so what do you do now if you get this diagnosis from your doctor and he says, sorry, I diagnosed you with Parkinson, oh my god, I'm gonna die.

Right, because they don't have medicine to heal it. They can only. slow it down. But now there's such an zhineng qigong system who says, yes, there's hope because yes, there is potential to heal. There's not a promise that you can heal yourself because that again is a bit more comprehensive and can be also complex because like these ideas, you know, we invite you now to overcome the Western medicine knowledge that it cannot be healed.

And now we offer some practices and say, yeah, you can open your heart and mind, change your mindset, only nourish positive, upright, healthy thoughts, learn how to apply your consciousness, apply Qi therapy for yourself, learn the methods. So you have practices each day like with, with a diagnosis like Parkinson's or MS or any kind of chronic disease.

We, the zhineng qigong masters actually say, please practice three to four hours a day. That alone, you know, some, I've met many people who say, I can't, I have a busy lifestyle, sorry. And I go like that, okay, then maybe zhineng qigong is not for you, please, you know, look further and find another way. But for this kind of condition, we have enough examples now, also in the West, where I actually point people to and say, speak to this woman or man who has overcome.

this symptoms by dedicated practice. Some only practice two hours a day for a year, other practice three or four hours a day for a year. But the result is with applying all these different ideas we have put together in a book now too, so people can read the book and, you know, apply these ideas. But the willingness to apply, that's also one technical skill that, yeah, you, you need to really believe and trust in your own healing intention.

That's really very important. That you go beyond what maybe other people say, you know, a doctor can actually say one strong sentence, which literally kills you because you believe the doctor, because the doctor said, sorry, you know, we cannot cure yourself. And very seldom, I also witnessed that once where a doctor said, sorry, we cannot help you.

But, find a qigong master. That was really, really, gives me still goosebumps when that person then sat in our workshop and started to heal from a very sincere diagnosis of cancer. So, and then maybe one other idea is, people can consider that the consciousness doesn't pay attention, to the process, but really focuses on the entry side.

And that is also something which we in the West, we need to really, how do you say that? Unlearn certain things in our mind, because we are trained in processes. We are trained, you know, in action and in step by step. But here we say, You know, become clear about your healing intention and trust and believe that it is manifesting in that specific moment based on your practice, based on opening your heart and mind, based on applying all these skills, it will happen.

It's already happening. It's already the result of your intention. Like we could say the intention equals the result. That's quite a, a new concept for many, many people. But that's also like the, why I'm never bored with qigong and I practice in Hunyuan qi therapy. I practice since 2005. We brought the Hunyuan Qi Therapy program into the world in 2015, starting with the first generation.

And I still feel I can learn so much because it's really inspiring each day again and again to go deeper with this material. So it's never boring. sure. It's all very fascinating, Britta. I'm very grateful to have you here so that you explain all these things. And with the last point in particular, I'm reminded that, when people came to the Huaxia Center and were welcomed by the teachers and Dr.

Pang, the message was always, you are already healthy. So they, they were always focusing on the health result. They did not see a sick person coming. They saw a healthy person coming. Right? And this is what you meant by don't focus on the process, focus on the end result. Because our, our body is so powerful, the qi is so powerful, they know, the qi and the body knows what to do.

We just have to give them the direction to the end result so that it can act upon it. And, so yeah, so that's great that you share all these techniques because that is what is, what was happening at the huaxia Center at the Medicine Less Hospital. This is how the teachers would work with the patients.

And you just mentioned that you have just finished a book and I know about that. I think it was only published like six weeks ago. So it's very fresh. Here we go. for those who have a camera, they can see it. What is it called? Ancient, Ancient Chinese Qi Medicine. the secrets to holistic health, well being and modern life.

Yes, you have written this book together with Master Liu or basically it, the input comes from him because he was at the Huaxia Center for many, many years.

Do you know how many years he's, he's been there? Yes, he was actually working there for 10 years. So he did the two years, rigorous training. directly with Dr. Pang Ming, and then, worked there for eight years with, thousands of patients, we could say. And to build on, I would just like to share one thing, because when you said, yeah, they welcomed all the people already with haola.

So I remember Master Liu once sharing that, you know, they would write down the details of the person arriving and whenever the person shared something in their mind, haola, haola. Now, Master Liu also shared that with us. Like when we are receiving an email of a person requesting support in their health and well being journey, already receiving that email, we say haola.

When we have the phone call or a Zoom call, we have a haola mindset or Hunyuan Lingtong mindset. And this is really something people can experience. I had a 30 minutes consultation call the other day. And the person next day was confronted with a quite a challenge and could share with me that based on the consultation and the small practice I shared, she was better off, you know.

So it's like really applying simple things, you know, when you meet a person, be in the haola state. when you go on a traveling and you, you know, meet, some people you, you don't even know, you know, you can always be in the haola state. That's already quite high level practice and, good benefits for everybody involved.

I do want to come back to the book though, because, in zhineng Qigong, a lot of the literature is not so easy approachable for us in the West. It's quite complex and it's. been written in a difficult language. Now, what Master Liu has done here by cooperating with you, he said, okay, we share the knowledge.

He obviously shares the experience, because he has been at the medicine less, hospital for so many years, but we, we, we make it in a way that is easy for people to understand. So he's taken the essence of these 10 years and what he's learned there about Hunyuan Qi therapy. And you guys have been Brought it together in the book and I've read some of the reviews.

it's, really an, an incredible book and I can only encourage people that have an interest, you know, to, to, you know, to look into it and see whether this could be something for you to learn the basics here. Actually, it's not just the, I mean, it's more than the basics because this book has many, many pages.

So I think it's quite comprehensive. so for anybody who's got an interest, you know, go out and see what you can learn. Yeah, it has 300 pages and you're completely right. We structured it in a way that it represents also the Hunyuan Qi Therapy program and all this knowledge Master Liu you has, but also practical ideas.

So we have combined, let's say the theories in a very accessible way. So people can really understand it and then put methods, practices. insights, meditations, poems. So to make it a little bit more, yeah, digestible and the feedback we've been receiving is actually really encouraging, and motivating because people, you know, write to us that, yeah, they, they have the, all the theory books at home too, but with this book, they, they, they find it more and they can better understand.

Yeah. So very happy that people can benefit from it. So have we missed any, I mean, obviously if you're offering a two year program, there's a lot to talk about, but we don't have two years here. we've got a limited time. Is there anything you would like our listeners, to add to our listeners when you, when we think about Hunyuan qi Therapy, anything that you feel like, Oh, we shouldn't forget to address this point.

Yes. I think an important aspect of Hunyuan qi Therapy is. and also to zhineng qigong science is actually to have tools and methods to more open the heart and mind for new information, for new beginnings, for new possibilities, for new potential. Because if you're in a situation that you maybe have experienced trauma or you have now a diagnosis by the doctor.

Very often, you know, the heart is shrinking and you are in fear, you are in worries, you don't really know what to do next and where to find support if you're even open for support. And Hunyuan Qi Therapy and zhineng Qi Gong science helps you to open the heart and mind to be open for support and be open for the potential and possibility.

Life is never promising anything. But my, my understanding of how I now came to zhineng qi Gong, and I've studied and practiced it now for so many years, that, life indeed gives us new potential and opportunities and new beginnings, even in very, hopeless situations, you know, there can always be hope.

And, I would say that, maybe it's a closing word that, yeah, getting the book can be a first step that you read page by page and you find suddenly, you know, your heart is opening up and you go like, yeah, I didn't think about that. Oh, maybe I should, you know, go out and find somebody who can help me practice something, you know, that I take.

my health in my own hands again, that I regain control or I find a coach. It can be an energy therapist, yes, but maybe it can also be a coach who helps me to, you know, to let's say open my mind and find new lifestyle decisions which are supportive in my life and not depleting my life. So let's say find the support of experts.

You do not need to do this alone. I think that is, I have had the blessing of so many mentors, coaches, trainers, who helped me to grow and evolve and progress in many ways. And that is, I think the blessing in life to know you're not alone on this journey. And if you feel alone, then it's time to open up your heart and, and, and reach out to people who have maybe certain skills and they are happily sharing them with you.

So yeah, why not be more curious? Be more curious to, to investigate, you know, what life, what else life has to offer. I, I know the words, what kind of closing words, but I would like to add something here because you use some beautiful words and that was open, open to the possibility. And I want to use these words because, and then go back a little in our conversation when you said, yeah, that people would arrive at the Huaxia center, you know, Diagnosed terminal illnesses, for example, and then they are welcomed by people they say that say you're already healthy.

Now, a lot of people with a rational mind would say, what are they talking about? I've got this diagnosis here. I can hardly move. so rather, and for those people that cannot simply just switch completely, I think this creates an opening here. If they say, okay, maybe this is what I feel now. Maybe this is what I've been told by the doctor, but I'm open.

For the possibility that there is healing and, because that is something else than saying I'm already healthy, but it's, I think it's, it's a, it's a starting point for many people to say, I'm open to this possibility and I'm going to embrace it fully. Because as you said earlier, also, there are no promises because it's as any disease is a complex thing and there might be a trauma history or.

or some, some poison in our environment that's all contributing to everything. So there are so many factors, so there are no promises, but there is the possibility and to be open to that already is a good step towards. Total health. if I spoke nonsense, please correct me. otherwise I have the closing word today That's okay.

No, that's perfectly fine. No, that's really a great way to inspire, you know, maybe that's also like with these kind of podcasts We would like to inspire people to find new ways And yeah, that's Very good Cool. Thank you. So all links will obviously be in the show notes. So there is the life changer program on the Hunyuan Qi therapy fundamentals starting in the next few days.

so check that out. We've got the link to the book and obviously also to the Hunyuan Qi therapy program if anybody's interested and would like to follow up there. Now thank you very much, Britta. It was a pleasure to have you on the show again and yeah, I hope you'll have a fantastic evening and I'll see you soon.

Thank you very much, Torsten. Thank you to all the listeners. Haola!. 

We trust you enjoyed this conversation and we invite you to subscribe to our podcast so we can stay in touch and notify you. We will end today's episode with the eight verses meditation performed by Zhineng Qigong teacher Katrien Hendrickx. Enjoy.

To get your free e book on the Eight Verses Meditation, please check the show notes below.