Wisdom Qigong Uncovered

How We Healed Dementia With Qigong - Bernhard Karrasch

Bernhard Karrasch Season 1 Episode 36

Heal Your Brain and Nervous System: https://www.zhineng-qigong-students-hub.com/product/heal-your-brain-and-nervous-system/

Dementia, a condition often deemed incurable by Western medicine, was the catalyst for Bernhard Karrasch's journey into the Zhineng Qigong practice. In today’s Qigong podcast, discover how qigong for dementia was beneficial to Bernhard Karrasch’s wife.

His wife diagnosed with dementia showed typical symptoms of cognitive decline and memory loss - to the point where even Bernhard was unrecognisable. They attended a Zhineng Qigong retreat in China - and within 5 months his wife already had signs of an improved cognitive function and brain health.

As a microbiology and biochemistry scientist, Bernhard discovered how Qigong supported his wife's health by understanding the mind-body connection. He concluded that thoughts and intentions directly influence physical health, triggering the body's natural healing abilities. By changing thoughts and behavior, one can initiate recovery - a key principle of Zhineng Qigong.

Bernhard's research explored Qi as a scientific concept, using quantum mechanics principles to understand its role in energy and universal information. He discovered that Qi encompasses the fundamental rules of the universe, including biochemistry. This understanding suggests that minimizing stressors and maintaining natural living can reduce disease susceptibility.

La Qi method became a fundamental practice in his wife’s healing journey, Bernhard explains. The simple Qigong movement of opening and closing and visualising clear mental images of optimal health, was also beneficial to her overall cognitive wellness, balance and co-ordination and boosted memory.

Western medicine, while valuable, often focuses on treating symptoms rather than addressing the underlying causes of diseases. In contrast, alternative healing methods like Zhineng Qigong aim to enhance life quality by reduces stressors.

Bernhard's experience and research highlight the powerful interplay between thoughts, Qi, and the body's natural healing mechanisms, in this case Qigong for dementia. By embracing practices like Zhineng Qigong and adopting a positive, mindful approach to life, individuals can significantly improve their health and quality of life.

Mindful moments:

  • Qigong & Dementia: Qigong shows promise in healing dementia
  • Mind-Body Connection: Thoughts and intentions influence physical health
  • Qi as Science: Qi is a form of energy and information
  • La Qi Method: Simple Qigong movements improve cognition, balance, and memory.
  • Visualization & Healing: Mental imagery aids physical and cognitive healing.
  • Lifestyle Transformation: Mindful living improves overall health.

Links and Resources:
Discover Qigong Game: https://tinyurl.com/ymuywb6x
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When his wife's dementia became so bad that she asked him who he was, forgot simple things like Like, how to get out of a car. Bernhard and his wife joined their first Zhineng Qigong retreat. Being a scientist by profession and seeing a full recovery within just 5 months of a disease where western medicine says there is no cure.

He asked himself, how is this possible? Here are the answers he found. My name is Torsten Lueddecke and this is the Wisdom Qigong Podcast. 

Our guest today will also feature in the upcoming online course, Heal Your Brain and Nervous System. If this is of interest to you, please find the link in the show notes.

Today I've got Bernhard Karrasch with me. Bernhard is a scientist in Germany. He's actually a scientist in microbiology and biochemistry. And Bernhard and his wife had an incredible healing success with a disease that is According to Western medicine, uncurable. And we're going to talk today about, this experience and how it links to the ideas of science and Zhineng Qigong.

So Bernhard, welcome to the show. Maybe, yeah, just give us a, and, and let's start with this, experience we had with the dementia. So please give us an idea of what happened with your wife and what you did to resolve that please. 

Okay, first, hello to all of you listening and viewing this podcast.

Now to your question, Torsten, 2017, my wife, showed Different changes in her behavior and her cognitive abilities and movements. And at least the diagnosis was, Pontotemporal Dementia. This means from the view of the, Western medicine, no chance to stop or even to push the disease back. So it was clear for me that we will lose our contact.

Sometimes she already was not able to recognize me. And she asked me then, who are you? And this was a terrifying and shocking moment for me. So, I looked very desperate for a solution to help her. And at least, as a chance, I got in contact with Zhineng Qigong and So, we traveled to a retreat in Dali, 2017, and then the, unbelievable happens.

During the retreat, she starts to recover, won back the control over her cognitive and motoric, abilities, and five months later, she was fully recovered. And so this, it's clear for me as a scientist, I want to know how this happened. And so I started to research, Qi as the energy using quantum mechanics and other things.

And more, And more I got the idea that we have two, important factors which are, has a huge healing power. That's a Qi as an energy and energy is information. And, within Qi, the Attractors or rules for the universe as well as, normal situation like biochemistry, et cetera, are already written in.

So we have, since the beginning of the universe, also the idea that we can, develop or life can develop and also the healing. And normally, when we are not disturbing the system, with, unnatural eating, stress, and so at least modern life, then we have Not such problems in getting disease, but we have and so you have to look everyone at least to be, sheltered from diseases or when the disease, is appearing that we can, at least heal us.

And this is the second we can, I call it healing will. It has a scientific name, and it's already accepted at universities. It's a long name now. It's a psycho-neuro-immuno-endocrinological

Coupling, that means what we are thinking is transported to nerve signals in neuro and to strengthening or weakening the immune system as well as the hormone system. And these things together with Qi, it triggers, the abilities of our body. And we have. 14 main abilities to repair our body and to renew as well as to heal our body.

And so at least we have a switch, bringing us to healing or vice versa. Of course, if you are thinking negative and you are suffering with stress, et cetera, this coupling can lead to diseases. It's no secret that 85 percent of all diseases are, has a psychosomatic, origin. So, we can reverse this in changing our thinking and our behavior, lifestyle.

Then we can, initiate the recovery and at least the healing. And this is in rough and short words, what I'm doing now actively. 

So, so to put it in very simple words, what you, what you're saying is, and what we know is that the body has an inherent ability to heal and Exactly, the, the body responds to our mind by the, you know, our, our thoughts and whatever the thoughts are, the body responds to it.

So if we have, you know. Thoughts that are destructive, the body will create all these diseases. But the good news in it is that if we change our thought patterns and give the right signals, we can also reverse and, and. It activate all the healing, even in cases where, you know, Western medicine says, sorry, there's nothing we can do.

And this is not curable, right? Like in the example of your wife, where within just five months, she, she came from a state what there was, you know, really scary or must've been very scary, to, to a place of perfect health. It's, so that's, you know, I think it's great to hear that from, from your mouth because you've looked into it from a scientific point of view.

And you explained earlier to me that there are two kinds of peoples, on this planet. The ones that you said that find it easy to understand that and believe in that. So they automatically follow and get the healing. And then there are the people that don't, that would just look at the Western medication and say, well, I think I need pills or I need a doctor to do something to me in order to heal.

Transcribed But it's, it's not true and you're trying to reach these people as well and say, look, this is science, science based, what we are, what is happening here. You might call it miracle healing, but actually it's a very simple scientific concept behind that. Is it fair to say that? 

Yes. Yes, definitely.

A very good breath summary you, you gave. And thank you. Especially the point of psychosomatic diseases. If we have to account 85 percent of all diseases only and, and let me say that the spirit of thinking, because the others are genetically or by an infection or an accident, that means traumatic. So at least all others diseases are produced by our lifestyle and our thinking.

And if we could change this, we have the best chance to not only to recover, but also to increase our life quality, because, mainly people are, only talking about diseases. But if you continue, for example, Zhineng, qi gong practice, then you increase your lifestyle, your resilience, it will raise and so on and so on.

So you are even more happy and could also stay in fitness and wellness from the mind and from the body. So, and this also should be mentioned, Zhineng, qi gong or other Things like Ayurveda and so on are also improving the life quality and the protection of course against diseases. 

Now that's a very important point because most of us get to Zhineng Qigong because we have a serious health problem and we are looking for a solution.

But, this is, this is great, but the contribution Zhineng Qigong can do To a healthy, happy person is incredible because, you know, it's also about, you can call it life quality, but if it's, it's about how we go through life, how much we appreciate and enjoy every single day, that is what counts at the end.

And it's not just these diseases that are obviously a very serious and where we need to do something. But the body response and, our, our whole energy response to, whatever is going on up there, right? Yeah. Absolutely. Exactly. Yes. 


We have a way you can discover Qigong. So at the Zhineng Qigong Student Hub, we know that understanding Qigong is very important.

And also that Zhineng Qigong in itself has various nuances that people can't easily comprehend. So we've approached it in the style of a video game. On this page, Discover Qigong, you can select your character, so you can either be a beginner, a practitioner, or a holistic healer or self healer, and you click on your character and it takes you to these different sections.

In these sections you can explore the nuances and when you click on a card, all of the resources pop up and we've made it really fun and not many people know about it. So if you are interested, have a look and discover Qigong. 

I'm curious because a lot of the listeners here will probably listen because they have someone in their close family or friends that is, suffering from a similar disease like dementia or any other, you know, brain related, malfunctioning.

Can you explore a little more what you did exactly, so, or what you and your wife did exactly so that you came to this relatively fast healing? 

Yes, I can. But, but first a bad point, for it. The person who are suffering about a, a dementia disease has still to have the self awareness because, the, the psychoneuro and so on, it's not good, good working or not working if you have no self awareness, no will, which you can formulate.

And so if there's. There's then only the possibility with Qi, but external, that means, and that, for example, teaches. Or Qi healers are making the treatment, but this is very time consuming then. But if there's still self awareness, and the person is convinced to trust Qi, or Zhineng, qi gong, and also their own body and mind, then just practice Qi already open very successful, what in my opinion also is important to make some visualization first in form of a picture, let me say, a healthy, artful picture of the brain where all is running quite well, clean and very active.

And the second is of course to draw a picture, to the future, to the milestone the people have, so that all the things, also the subconscious is focusing on this. So all the energy thinking and also the power and Partly the discipline for making one or more hours Zhineng qigong every day could be very helpful.

And of course, winning back the love to life, the love to, Partners, friends, and so on. So this, this is a full system, which, you, you need to, to be, supported. 

So basically what you're doing there is you're reinforcing the message by creating a clear vision for. How you would like your future to be how wonderful it's going to be how you have the brain will look like so this is all something that reinforces the messaging and and basically tells the body.

Wow. Yeah, this guy is serious about healing. There is. There is an important, it's important to get there and he's got a clear idea of what this looks like. And then, you're using simple methods. You mentioned La Qi, that's a, is a simple method, yeah, yeah, of course, yeah. But, and when you talk about, yeah, you need to, to, to also spend time with it.

I think the, the main reason why you need to do it is because during your exercise, you're completely focused on, on the vision of health. Yeah. Well if you, if you're just doing it 15 minutes and then you're back to your everyday works, yeah. Your mind wanders into other directions rather than giving, you know, the clear and and clean instruction.

I'm healthy now. I'm healthy now. Yeah. Right, right. Yes. Okay. So I think not, it's not just the, the exercise as such that important, but the exercise also disciplines and, creates a mindset that is so supportive. And does this neuro ilog. This long thing that you just mentioned, or called, healing will.

I think that was just your short word of it. Yes. 

Yeah, exactly. This can be described in this way and

especially, it's not the manual things. So, so at least this was also my observation, especially, with my wife, she was not able to sit. So, she, she was in a very discomfort, sitting, Escher on occasion, and so she couldn't really exactly follow the motoric things of Zhineng Qigong. But I discovered this is not important.

We have had a person who was a Tai Qi and also Qigong teacher. And for example, he thought he is safe. With, cancer, et cetera. But he got a brain tumor. And then he asked me, why? I'm a teacher, I did it. And At least I discovered that he was focusing on the exact movements. So he left at least the healing perspective on his side.

Just focusing that he make the movements exact. So the movements are not to think. But if you, for example, put your brain between your palms, and if you make open, then you have to visualize that your brain is getting greater and greater, and with the close you are sending Qi in all directions to your brain image, and that it is clean now.

This is more important, and it's not important how you are, at least manage the things manually. Just, always working with, your brain and also with the meditation you have in Zhineng Qigong. You are, switQing on, that's called epigenetics. A lot of, let me say, positive or health supporting genes.

And you are switQing off the opposite genes. So, at least already with. getting in a calm state, you have a huge impacts or effects on, on your body chemistry and body control. 

Yes. I mean, that is another input, a very important subject that you're touQing on when you talk about epigenetics. I mean, I'm not a scientist myself, but what I understand is that science these days has It broadly accepted that the genes we have are the genes we have, but which genes is switched on and which is switched off is through our thinking.

And we have a control over that. Because earlier you said that 85 percent of diseases are caused through, Psychosomatic. Psychosomatic, right. And the rest are, you know, among others, genetic, but even the genetic means it's not hopeless because which genes are switched on and off is still something that we can control.

So, yeah, so we, with all of this coming together, I think it's just so important that we understand that our mindset. And how we go through the world is creating everything in our lives. And it might be painful sometimes because it's also creating the stuff that we don't want to take responsibility and say, well, somewhere, somehow, no, not.

Intentionally, I've, but I've created that, and if I have, that is good news because it means I can also reverse it and I can change it and I can create something else. And I think that is a powerful message here. And it's always wonderful to have someone to talk to who has a personal experience of that.

And, so I'm, you know, I'm very happy about, you know, what you guys have created for yourself, your wife, your family, your environment, your friends. And, it's, it's great to have that. On the show. So people can see this is not just something you read in books, but this is something that's actually happening, in real life.


Yeah. I follow to a hundred percent. 

So if somebody is in a situation like that and they have a dementia or something similar, what would be your advice? What would you say? Okay. First thing, that's what you need to know or need to do. 

immediately starting and learning Zhineng qi gong, with a teacher or a retreat, and then practicing the things.

And of course, I think if it's not too much, I can give support if Anyone has a question concerning this? And also when our book will be published, first in German, but later English and other languages. And there's a lot of understanding of the mechanisms of our body and how to trigger, activate, and boost this mechanism.

And also, especially for this point of dementia, we have a lot of advices. So, but anyway, if, there are additional questions, specific ones, I hope that I can help and I, I want to help. So that's, it's not the problem. 

So, concretely, what you're doing right now, after the healing success of your wife, you said, okay, I'm a scientist.

I want to know exactly what has happened here from a scientific basis, right? And that's what you have explored. And this is what you're putting into a book at the moment so that everybody else can read up about it and learn from it and get inspired, right? Yeah, exactly. Can you explore that a little bit more, you know, what this book is going to be about and what the essence is going to be?

So the asset is first to understand that, the Western medicine has a lot of problems. I only mention one, they are not really healing, they are fighting against symptoms, but the origin of these symptoms is not cured, nothing, and normally not. So, and then. We explain 14 main mechanisms our body has. I only can give one number.

When we are young, we are replacing every day billions of cells. That means cells are, degraded. Yeah, at least killed, degraded, and new cells from stem cells, arrive. So, we at least have statistically at every three years a new body. And so already from, from this, you can see unbelievable power our body has.

And for example, cancer is one of the easiest things, our, body can, heal. For example, there we have had no experience about this, but my wife has had also 2008 at risk cancer. And the only thing she did, next to the, treatment of, of the Western medicine because we didn't know that there are some other abilities, but she was able to remove a 2.

5 centimeter in diameter tumor with pre mump just, or mainly, by, she, she got the point where the cancer is located. She could feel it with the fingers. And then she told her body, and there's something wrong. In this place, please solve the problem. Right. And, and this she, she did repeatedly with every walk, enjoying the nature, but also giving the body or the immune system in this case, the order.

To solve this problem, so at least to salute, the, the cancer. And now it's clear. For example, also for , they were told to make a kind of meditation and to increase the natural killer cells. It is a special unit in the immune system. And after this, it was, proven with blood. And with blood investigation that they improved just in thinking that they are improving this, they improved or at least raised the number of these cells.

And it's just another example how powerful our thinking is so that we also have a total control about our immune system. And cancer normally is detected by the immune system and eliminated in early stages. But when you are If you are living under stressy conditions or you are unhappy, et cetera, then you are lowering the power of the immune system and then, cancer can appear and also, bringing a devastating effect on, on the whole body at least.

But as. Again stated, what can be produced with, let's say, bad attitude can be changed or reversed with a good attitude. And so, it's only knowing that and then also converting.

I think the example that you gave, when you said, okay, simply by imagining that the number of killer cells or whatever cells that were in your body, in the immune system would raise simply by thinking that giving that instruction, you could measure that the, that the number of cells have actually risen.

We, we, we are sitting here and think, wow, but it's actually so natural because it's our mind. that controls, if I want to raise my right arm, my mind will give the order, raise your right arm. And miracles happen, my right arm rises. Right? So we don't think this is a miracle. We think this is normal. But if we can do it with the arm, why shouldn't we be able to do it with our, yeah, with ourselves and with our immune system?

It's just, it's just so, so, I don't know why people think this is so incredible because yeah, we do it all the time. We give directions to our body and the body responds. So yeah, if we give a direction to the liver or to the heart, it will respond as well. There's nothing, nothing weird about this concept.

It's just that somehow we think, yes, for some things like raising my arm, it's easy, but for other things like raising the number of blood cells, it's difficult. Now it isn't. It's the same thing. We give the instructions and the body responds. Easy. Yeah. 

Yeah. And it's especially, if it, if you make it a little bit more mystic than you were saying, you have a thought.

The thought is without matter. It's just energy, but you can control matter. That means your arm, your muscles, and so on, with just thinking. So, we normally are thinking mechanistically. That means, we, have to lift a stone by, I don't think, but it's still the beginning is the thought or the will to, to lift a stone.

Raise the stone up. And yes, so, this is also, this can not be treated now, but, Qi as itself is from the quantum mechanical view, connecting all. So that means we. A stone, a tree, the planet, cosmic, dust, and other things are connected. And within this space, which connects all, there's, energy fields.

For example, the zero point energy of, of the vacu it's a quantum mechanical, term at least. But energy always has information and I. At the beginning I mentioned that, already in the universe, for the natural constants we have, this is all stored in the vacu and the vacuum is also the vacuum between the nucleus and the electrons.

Because in 99 percent of the time 0. 9999 percent is space also in the atom, also we, so at least we are vacuum beings. And the other thing is, which is also important, I just, Mentioned it, we are to 99. 8 percent of energy because we have walks in the nucleus, which keep the nucleus together, and this is the energy of 99.

8%. Only 0. 2 percent we are matter, but this means we are energy beings. And this also means energy. We have at least waves, waves you can get in resonance, you can communicate with energy, at least also between our relationships. We definitely feel immediately this is a good person or it's not interesting for me, et cetera.

So we are always in response with information and energy. And for this, just to give a first idea of, of Qi, Qi is also energy, has the rules of, the construction of the universe. It's like a chess game where the rules, you can have different moves, but the rules are determining how chess can be played.

Right. And that's the same for us and for, for the universe. So also, if you combine now, She, and the long word starting with psycho, then, you, you have the, the best combination to influence. Your, your body in a good or also bad way. And, and so if we use it, or everyone who use it is, has a relative good chance to live a very happy, nice and content life.

And if a disease should appear, then you also can use this to, to fight or to heal this disease. So at least, It's not a miracle. It's, can be explained with, scientific and on a medical way. And at least we should celebrate that we have these opportunities for us and our, loved friends and family.

I think these are the perfect and wonderful closing words because it's a very, it's Beautiful message we have here to everyone out there. And, I would like to thank you very much, Bernhard, for this, podcast. And I'd like to, to take you on again, you know, when your book is actually available so that we can talk a little bit more about the essence there.

And give people a possibility to benefit from your experiences. And for those of you that are listening right now, once the, right after the, this episode is published, you're also going to be part of a workshop, next week, organized, in cooperation with teacher way. And people can find all the details on our website here of this Qigong Students Hub.

They can register here if they're interested. And, yeah. And so I'm glad you will stick around. I'm glad people can benefit from your knowledge and from your studies and from your research and from your personal experience. So let me thank you once again, Bernhard. And I'll hope to see you on the show once again very soon.

We will, 


We will. 

We trust you enjoyed this conversation and we invite you to subscribe to our podcast so we can stay in touch and notify you of future episodes. We will end today's episode with the Eight Verses Meditation performed by Qigong teacher Katrien Hendrix. Enjoy. 

To get your free ebook on the eight verses meditation, please check the show notes below.