Wisdom Qigong Uncovered

Qigong and Your Vision For Life - Anke Huerkamp

Anke Huerkamp Season 1 Episode 34

Having a vision for your life serves as an internal compass, guiding you toward success. In today’s Qigong podcast Anke Huerkamp discusses how, with the help of Zhineng Qigong, you can too discover your life vision and live your highest potential.

Self-discovery happens organically through consistent Qi Gong practice - it’s more than having a vision board about creating the life you want, with Qigong it’s about building inner trust and a oneness with an open heart and mind. The heart-mind connection strengthens as we learn to align our thoughts with our heart's wisdom, as Anke explains. As we raise our awareness, our trust building occurs gradually as we validate our inner knowing and no longer seek validation externally.

When faced with failure or difficulties, it is important to leave judgment and comparison behind, Anke explains. With the principles of oneness and unity in Qigong, this mindset helps individuals navigate challenges with greater resilience and inner peace - knowing that even with setbacks you are still well on your way to making your vision a reality. It’s with this unity, being aligned with your heart and your mind whereby you can overcome the inevitable challenges.

The La Qi method is used during Anke’s vision coaching. La Qi teaches you a simple “open and absorb” movement, hands gather Qi and nourish either the whole body or specific focus areas. With this method Anke teaches you to open up and absorb to all possibilities for your vision and to live an authentic & successful life.

We often have a reference framework or an old thought pattern that we’ll be happy once we achieve our vision or a certain goal. With Qigong, this is not the case - you learn to be happy on your way to your vision. Happiness precedes achievement, rather than being its result. When you are happy and connected to your heart, you can effectively communicate your vision and attract others to support you, Anke emphasises.

Implementing your vision involves taking action based on the inner trust and clarity gained through Qigong. Anke works with clients to not only discover their vision but also to implement. She emphasizes the importance of knowing what you want without doubt - tune in to hear how to discover your vision and live your highest potential.

Mindful moments:

  • Qigong & Vision: Qigong guides you toward your life vision
  • Self-Discovery: Qigong fosters inner trust and heart-mind connection
  • Vision Implementation: Qigong empowers action based on inner knowing
  • Heart-Mind Alignment: Qigong aligns thoughts and heart wisdom
  • Building Trust: Qigong cultivates inner trust and confidence
  • La Qi Method: Gather Qi to open up to possibilities
  • Navigating Challenges: Qigong promotes resilience and inner peace
  • Happiness First: Happiness precedes achievement in Qigong

Links and Resources:
Discover Qigong Game: https://tinyurl.com/ymuywb6x
La Qi Method E-learning

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What are we doing with our lives? Are we connected to our own vision, or are we simply just going through the motions? My guest today, Anke Huerkamp, is diving deep into Zhineng Qigong in order to discover what our vision actually is and how to ensure we achieve it. My name is Torsten Lueddecke, and this is the Wisdom Qigong Uncovered podcast.

I've known Anke for many years. We used to spend lots of time here together in South Africa, in Cape Town, have lots of fun playing our favorite cards game. And so I've known you for a long time and you have actually. Taking on Zhineng qi gong as something like the essence of your life and you're using it in a way to help other people find their vision and fulfill their vision.

So today we're going to talk about vision. And I think the first thing to ask you is what does the vision mean to you? What is it? Is it actually, that you think a vision is? 

Okay, so thank you very much for, inviting me, Torsten. Yes, vision is something, which is guiding you or can guide you.

And when you focus on your vision, you have a not only clear target, you have something what you can really trust in and following. And it's not a vision, something that you are looking for. So what can I do? Let me see, I need a new target. I focus on something like this image, what I would like to do a job or to get something special in my life.

It's more to follow your heart and your heart wish and to create a vision out of your heart wish. And therefore it's It's important that you have a good connection to your heart. And Qigong is helping me, especially Zhineng Qigong is helping me to find this. And actually when I see you now, Torsten, I remember that I had in the past that idea of how can I create my or know my heart wish.

And then. Britta was sitting next to me and talking about Zhineng qi gong and she was also saying that you can find what you really want. And I think a lot of people, especially me in the past, are not following the heart, following other things, which are a little bit louder. And, with Zhineng qi gong, I became more calm, more clear.

And I discover also my my heart, my inner wish. And, yeah, from year to year, it became more clear what I really want. And, this is what I do now. 

Because that for me was the first thing that came to mind. Most of us don't really have a clear vision or we are not aware of our vision because it's hidden under all these noise that you were talking about all the other goals and targets you might have in So sometimes it's not so easy to know what my life vision actually is.

So, would you say that Zhineng Qigong is a tool that you used to discover your own vision? 

Yes. It is, it is like a tool. It is also like a philosophy, and it's, a tool to make me clear. And on the other side, it's a tool to, connect with the blue sky, unconditional love, true self, whatever you, you mean.

It's, for me, it's, my sense of life to get more wisdom out of this and, also to, to share it with, the people in the world. 

Now, if I understand you correctly, you are also supporting other people to connect to their vision and to find their vision. Is that true? 

Yeah, this is true, especially people who really want to change something, have a big idea and a fire inside to change something, especially also in the business world.

There are a lot of very, very good ideas. For the, the, for the wellbeing for, for everybody. So I think it's time to change also the business world to, get more ideas, which are not, focus on money. It's more focused on the, on the global things. And, this is also coming from the heart because with the heart, we are all connected.

So it's also a possibility to realize, hard wishes are also hard businesses. Then we can maybe also change something in the world to make, I would say the world, more better. 

Right. Right. And how would you go about, how would you use Zhineng qi gong, when you work with someone to help these people find the vision, which can be more than just, you know, a certain profit figure or something like that.

Yeah. So, on the one side I use it for myself to, become as clear as possible. And when I, speak to the people in a kind of coaching, I sometimes I let, I also call it qi coaching, or vision coaching. I talk to the people and then, I can feel what's inside of them. When I listen to them, you can feel if the words are coming out of the heart or out of the mind.

So then I guide them more to trust or feel. In the words, they are using or in the, thoughts, they do have. And then they can also feel this is more stronger. This is more real. This is more me. This is more true. And, then I, yeah, then I encourage them to focus on this and also to make a clear vision out of this.

And they can easily trust in because they know it's not from outside, right? It's from inside. And I also support them to keep in connection with that trust. We can also do, if we do La Qi, for example, I open up to all possibilities for my vision. I feel all possibilities deep inside. Yeah. 

Beautiful metaphor 

the best results in the next talk.

I feel it's already wonderful. These things they can also use to, to, to be more. In the trust and then relax and then everything is going well, 

right, right now, when, before we started, our, our formal conversation here, you mentioned that, often it is people that you are working with that are in the stage of their life where they feel like, yeah, it's kind of, okay, what I'm doing, but it's not really what I want to do with my life.

And, so there is a seat already inside their heart that wants to express itself and say, There is something else that I really love to do. And that is probably, you know, the ideal target group for you because, you know, these are people where there is a certain awareness that they would like to change something in their life.

They're just looking for some kind of support or tool or method or whatever. to get there, right? 

Yeah, this is very important what you say, because I really found out that it's not, not easy to, to, work with people. They don't want to make a change. It's very easy to work with people who would like to make a change that they feel this is not the truth any longer for me.

It's, it's very often in the age of 50 to 60. Also women, a lot of women, don't have the, the trust, but the big heart and much power in the heart. So I'm working a lot with, with women, with women. It can be also that there are people who have something special, happening in the life, for example, an illness or something they lost the job or that they need that they know they need to be changed.

So I'm ready for this also. And with that We always say, when we start Zhineng Qigong, open heart and mind. 


When we would like to make a change, we have open mind. So one thing is done. Then to open the heart, it's easy with, the tools of, Zhineng Qigong. 

Okay. And, so the process is basically connect them to their heart, encourage whatever is coming up there to let it grow, to spend time with it, to let it become, very clear so that, that it's not just some, some vague ideas, but they become clarity.

And, and are you also supporting people then to actually implement their vision? Because it's one thing to be in touch with my vision, but I still need to take action to get there, right? Yes. 

Yes. So that's why I also work with, other people. I work with another lady in the, in the business club, only for women.

This is, I like this very much. And she's very professional in, realizing, with technical things and everything. So I also get involved. Since three years in this and I can explain it easily, what needs to be done, but there are two things. The one thing is you need to know how, and the one other thing is that you really have the foundation of the inner trust that you really know exactly because You do have, if you would like to, to start, your own business, you do have a lot of coaches around who would like to tell you how to do, and they are all successful.

So sometimes we follow this and this because they are all so excited. I do it like them. This is not the success. The success is because they really know what they want. And, there's no doubt. And this is the other thing. So we, if they're, We can also use Zhineng Qigong to, have no doubts any longer. 

We have a way you can discover Qigong.

So, at the Zhineng Qigong Student Hub, we know that understanding Qigong is very important. And also, that Zhineng Qigong in itself, has various nuances that people can't easily comprehend. So we've approached it in the style of a video game. On this page, Discover Qigong, you can select your character. So you can either be a beginner, a practitioner, or a holistic healer or self healer.

And you click on your character and it takes you to these different sections. In these sections, you can explore the nuances and when you click on a card, all of the resources pop up and we've made it really fun and not many people know about it. So if you are interested, have a look and discover Qigong.

So basically what you're saying is that, that there are many methods. Yeah. But it's not so much about the methods because there are many ways you can achieve your vision. It is really about this, this inner knowing that, you know, this is the truth for you and that your inner knowing will guide you to do whatever is necessary, whatever needs to be done to get to that, to fulfill that vision.

Because that is, you know, sometimes shit happens and times are tough and not everything will go according to plan. So it's this vision and this trust in myself and in what I really want in life that will carry me through these times, right? 

Yes, and also to realize that the real power is in the heart.

much more power than in your mind. And also to combine heart and mind. This is for, for sure, to know your shen is always inside. You know how it feels when your shen is outside, bring it back home, all these things. So these things are, helping a lot. And, the other thing is that it feels good. Yeah, so we need to feel good.

We need to be happy to be successful. If we're not happy, we can't go out. We don't have power. We can't attract other people. We can't talk about our vision. So when we are good connected with our heart and we do have a vision and we go out into the public or into the zoom call or make a podcast or whatever, if you know what it's for and you have the fire and yet then you can talk out of your heart and everybody can understand you from heart to heart and this is more deeper than from from mind to mind.

Yeah, this is the other good thing. Yeah. So make you happy first. And also, I, I, you know, I work with a master Jen also a lot, and I've learned a lot about a heart and with other Zhineng Qigong masters. I also learned about sound healing with a heart, everything. I get everything what I can get to, to open, open the heart, many different tools, but the main tool is.

or the best tool for yourself is where you can goosebrush. You, you feel it. 


And then, you know, this is, this is for you. So it's very important that you sense inside during every exercise you do. And if you sense that it is making a difference inside now, I'm feeling better. I'm feeling more full of love.

I'm feeling more happy. Then it's your, then it's your tool. Nobody else can tell you what to do. So for me also, the method is a method. But to be connected during the method is so important, because only then you know what, what kind of tool you need. And I'm a big friend of, of practicing authentically. So you find the, at the end of my work with the people is that you do find your own, Qigong, method.

So for example, I do practice. With the people they're learning, lift qi up, la qi, three centers, then body and mind, sound healing, level three, something, a lot of things. And after a while I let them alone and only bring them in the qi field. If they're in the Qi field, then it's now start practice.

And it's so important. I'm sitting there observing them. They're doing the exercise, but they're different. They create their own exercise because of the, experience they made during the other exercise. And this is also something I've seen, I don't know how it, when it was. It was a long time before I came to South Africa to, to learn Zhineng Qigong.

When I was at home, I saw a TV movie documentation about Zhineng Qigong in China. And there was a balcony, and you know in China there's one house next to each other, very close, not so, not so much space. And on the balcony there were three persons, the grandfather, the son, and the father. And, they were standing there in the morning, It was a little bit dark.

And then the lady said, and now they're practicing, that Qigong, exercise. And they practice, but every person did it in a different way. And then I just watched and I said, aha, okay, they do Qigong, but they did it together. So in the Qi field, and that I found very interesting. So maybe this is also why I follow this.

Sometimes, you know, later, why are you doing things because you already had something, what you followed. And this is also very interesting to see what in your life happened, what was really important, where was that moment you knew, I will go there, no matter how, when, why, I will go there. And, this is, also very important to remember.

These things to have a better inner trust, to yourself because these ways were always successful also in the past. 

Yeah. That's all very interesting. And I'd like to go back just a little bit to what you said earlier, because what I enjoyed particular is that you said, you know, first you have to be happy.

And out of the happiness, you can create your vision and you can enroll other people. Because a lot of us go through life and think, first, I need to achieve my goal or my vision, and then I can be happy. But really, it's the reverse way, right? It's the happiness that, and the openness of your heart. That carries you towards your vision, right?

And, the other thing that I'd like to explore a little more is, you mentioned it, at least implicitly that when you said it's important that the heart and the, and the mind, they work together and, but it's the heart that basically gives the direction. And then you can use your powerful mind and come up with all these fancy business plans, but there is no.

But just writing a business plan from the mind without having, you know, the starting point and the heart giving the initial, Yes, the initial impulse, right. Then it's just going to be a piece of paper, but, through that direction, maybe you can explore a little bit more about this because you mentioned, you mentioned people are with the supporting them, creating a business or something meaningful.

So how does that work for you exactly? 

Yeah. Okay. So this is, the mind is a nice thing in any case we can use it, but to find this clearness, we need to, make it a little bit more still, so clear. So one thing is clear your mind, then you open your heart. And when you open your heart, you, try to, for example, to create, or to see your perfect day.

And then you feel like it's already there. And you, start to talk about that perfect day. And there's another person like me asking you, how is it? What are you doing? How, where are you sleeping? Where's next to you? How are you standing up? Where do you go? And what kind of client do you meet? And what are you doing with them?

Where are you working? All these things. If you are in that state where your heart is open and you try to feel it. It's more not to imagine, it's to feel, it's already there. And then you talk. And I record the talking. And you talk the truth. So whatever you can feel. And being happy, for example, also, oh, I'm so happy that it's already there and, that I do have mine.

It's not a wish because when you have a wish, you are in a kind of a lack, and then you, you, you just, don't feel happy if you have a leg. If you are in abundance, you have everything and you're so happy that you do have. Then you can also go over through all borders. We, we say, when we open the heart and mind and we do Qigong, we go through every layer, every every border into the infinity, into the every.

So we can use this to go over our, over our borders, right? And with this, it comes out what's in, and then you just, if you have this clear. Also, okay, I will, I really, I'm happy to work with these people. I'm happy to create a new, kind of office with a different way of working together in a, like a hard business.

And if I, I do have this, then it's, it's much easier. It's clear. And you can follow this. And, yeah, in this way, and also other things, in, in, so in the business world, we, we also just ask questions because of the, AI, we can easily get the words we need for, but it's important to feed the AI.

With your vision, with your detailed, images, visions, wishes, ideas, happy moments, then the AI can understand you and bring you everything what will fit in. So I also like to work with the AI because it's not a person. It's the sum. Of every thoughts ever made, and, you just, use what you need. And then you, of course you fill it with your own words, but it's more easier and it's more quicker.

So in this way, we also do business plans with the AI much, much easy, but the main thing is a foundation and we don't need to have so many. Different or complicated technique tools, and we don't need to be professional marketing, profession or whatever. We just need to use different tools and stay with our idea.

And, then it's working, but the feeling is the most important thing to feel you are already there. And, okay, I would like to assume, my, my, my task is also to be a guide of the vision. So if I know the vision from the person and they, I am with the person and they are doing things and I just remind, is that paying into your vision account in or not.

And then you can have this also as a guidance, in your business. 

So you're basically always asking the question, does that, whatever I've got, the idea that I've got now, does it serve my vision or 


I'd like to come back again, a little bit to a thing that you said, because I was reminded of what's usually called positive thinking.

Now, for example, you know, if, if I'm just, you know, Standing up in the morning, I'll stand in front of the mirror and I say 10 times, I will be successful today. I will be successful today. I will be successful today. It most likely is not going to work because this is just words, right? And what you're suggesting here is that you need to, to be connected with all your senses.

And that it's really difficult to feel that at this moment. So it becomes a reality already within you, so that you will implement it during the day. This is why we spend so much time, but you put the focus on developing this idea of what is this day going to look like? What does it mean to have a beautiful day?

Because you're taking people through the experience and not just the words. Thank you. Yeah. 

So, for example, I like this, idea of a lot of people say fake it until you make it. But I think there are so many resistance sometimes that you, it's very exhausting to do this. It's much better to stand in front of the mirror and saying, Oh, it feels so good to be successful.

Oh, being successful looks so good. For example, I am already, I am already, whatever I do, there is no, just to be in the moment and to feel that it feels good. 

It's easy. What, what, very easy. No, I think, you know, fundamentally it's easy. Like everything that's working. It's fundamentally easy. Yeah, but, But still, you know, it needs the basic understanding of what am I actually doing, to follow that route, fully, because if they are, if I have doubts and, don't believe in it and all my voices come back about, it's not going to work out anyway, then it's very difficult to follow a vision.

But how, yeah, but that brings me to the question, I mean, what, how do you deal with failure? How do you deal with, you know, it's not working. 

Yeah. The failure is, you know, Edison, 


is the, he had a lot of things in his mind and he realized also a lot of things like, the light. And, he said, and one person asked him, after he, I think he tried, 20, 000 times one experience and he failed and then they asked them, how, how do you, where do you have the power from because you failed 20, 000 times?

And then he said, no, I found 20, 000 times of 20, 000. possibilities which are not working. 

So for him, it was a discovery. Wow. I discovered it's not working this way. Right. 

And I think the other thing which brings that out of our power is the judgment and the comparison. And we do have a lot of, things in the internet and everywhere, much more than our generation before.

So we listen to a lot of things and we compare ourselves with the other, but there is no comparison. So also to try to, to leave this is a good idea. And, also to judge if you don't, judge others, you don't judge yourself. So also be aware of, how do you deal, your life, no judgment and no, comparison.

This is also a good thing to be more happy. 

I think that's a cool thought. Particularly if you say, if you don't judge others, then you won't fall into the habit of judging yourself. So I think there's, it's, it's the connection. It's the same thing, right? I will judge myself if I judge others, because it's just a habit of what I'm doing.

Yeah. It's also helping with this. If you do Zhineng qi gong, you don't have the idea to judge others or yourself. You know that there's a oneness, unity, healing is being in unity again. So you feel you are part of everything. So Yeah. This is also what changed your mind and this is helping. 

And then, just, you know, because I was asking you for failure and at the same time I asked myself, you know, what is failure actually?

And then you brought up the example of Edison trying to invent the, the light bulb and, the way you approach it. And I think that's a beautiful way by starting with happiness. I mean, it cannot be a failure because if you fail, so to speak, all your life, but you're always happy. I mean, what else can you wish for?


So you need to know in the end, next to your vision, what kind of life you would like to have. And this is, this ish, this is your guide. So whatever brings you, I know that you can't be always happy when you do your business. You also need to do some things which you don't like, of course, but. You also have enough space to focus on the happiness, to focus on the positive things.

So, it's a little bit also like, being a child again. This business is just playing, trying something, failing, continuing, And if we don't judge ourselves because of maybe we don't have the success others are having, then we feel bad. But if we only focus on what we do and we play a little bit, then we come more, further.

Right. Right. Love it. Now we've spoken a lot about businesses here, but would you use the same ideas, the same principles when it comes to other visions you have in life, for example, creating a partnership or relationship or something like that? Yes, 

of course. Yeah, of course. I, I also wanted to bring it into the business world to make it a little bit more open to a little bit more attractive to, to the world that they know they can use it.

And, many people who use it, start using it for the business, use it for their private life. So I'm so happy that I already, yeah. And, another, also the, the health is getting better. So the way you, you, manage your, your body or your fitness is different. And also other things like having a good relationship to the family or to your partner is also more easy because you make yourself more happy and also to, to, to, to, to know what it is if I do have borders and I can't get a connection that the main thing is what we also always practice in Qigong, we open up.

So if you have a problem with someone, the only way for you is you open, open your heart, making you huge, huge, huge, huge, bigger, bigger, bigger, bigger. And then you bring your attention into your heart and you see the other with your heart, not with your, with your mind. And yeah, this is also helping in connection in, also when you focus on your body.

When you talk to your body in love, when you are happy and talk to yourselves, like you're dealing yourselves, like having a child, loving a child. So it's, it's all about connection, the deep connection and the best connection you can ever have from your love, from your, from your heart. And then everything can relax.

And then also when you do lift you up, for example, when you relax yourselves, then the light can shine through. Otherwise, yeah. So these things. 

Great. Thank you very much, Anke. Is there anything we missed, any point that you would like to make that we haven't touched upon? Happy to 

know, Zhineng Qigong. Happy that I can talk because this is my vision to spread it out into the world.

So happy that you made me happy today.

And that's all. 

Great. I think these are beautiful, words to finish, this episode. Thank you very much, Anke. It was a pleasure to have you here, today. And I think there's a lot we can take. And, just a final thought, because at the end we touched on how one area of our life will influence another.

So if there's no way I can, open up my heart and quiet my mind to connect with my vision and not showing up the same way in my family or in my environment or in my health. So, this is just great and it doesn't really matter what our individual starting point is, what our initial motive is that we want to do with Zhineng Qigong.

And open up that way, as you have described, it will spread in all areas of our lives. So, so I think it's also a cool idea to start with the business world because many people that are kind of active in the business world, they are not a natural to think about, you know, how do I open my heart, right?

They have other things in mind, but by, by, by using this, as a tool to reach these people, you probably make a big impact on, on them and on their families and other communities. And then for the greater good, which is basically, I think what we started off with when we spoke about, you know, what you're doing and why you're doing it.

So thank you very much, Anke. Have a fantastic day further. And yeah, and I hope to see you around on one of another episodes. 

Thank you very much, Torsten, and greetings to Cape Town where you are right now. Thank you. 

We trust you enjoyed this conversation and we invite you to subscribe to our podcast so we can stay in touch and notify you.

We will end today's episode with the eight verses meditation performed by Zhineng Qigong teacher Katrien Hendrickx. Enjoy.

To get your free e book on the Eight Verses Meditation, please check the show notes below.