Wisdom Qigong Uncovered

Qigong For Children: Empowering Young Minds with Energy & Intention - Mirjam Buck

Mirjam Buck Season 1 Episode 27

Children without discipline often lack self-control or focus - a challenge for parents, but for Mirjam Buck, children are at the heart of her Zhineng Qigong practice. Zhineng Qigong practices, have proven to capture children's attention, allowing them to explore their innate abilities, extending beyond consciousness and the physical level. Being seen and respected are important to children, even at such a young age. By simply building a Qi field, removing ego and having a sense of community: discipline issues that some children initially faced have been addressed through Zhineng Qigong. Qigong enabled children to respect each other's emotions and ideas, creating a safe space for them to express themselves freely.

Intention and it’s power has been demonstrated by these children countless times, through spoon bending exercises and even placing cut zucchini back together, Mirjam discusses. Children grow up in times where external validation and instant gratification are, seemingly, a part of daily life. A reference framework driven by ego and comparison. In Qigong, Mirjam taught them that sharing the Qi field as a group, sending information with supportive, positive energy as their fellow classmates achieve success won’t hinder theirs. They were just as influential and instrumental in their classmates’ success, showcasing the power of unity and oneness - a core principle of Zhineng Qigong.

La Qi, with pouring Qi down and the 8 verses meditation, are Qigong practices children really love. Children report vivid sensations of energy and light, Mirjam notes. Children of her class found doing La Qi and meditating with the eight verses of Zhineng Qigong was grounding and help balance them after a stressful day. Mirjam notes that she often learns from them too. Mirjam excluded herself in the group, one of her student’s asked "Why are you not saying we are wonderful? You forgot yourself." This taught Mirjam about maintaining equality and connection within the group.

Parents and guardians know the importance of the formative years in a child’s life it’s well documented. Self-confidence, and knowing your true self through  Qigong is Mirjam’s purpose of these classes. Anxiety and insecurity are often the results of separation of self within childhood, the Zhineng Qigong practice provides a foundation of unity and emotional resilience, preparing children for the challenges of life.

Mindful Moments:

  • Zhineng Qigong helps kids discover their true selves, building Self-Confidence
  • Qi Field and Unity: Build a Qi field creating oneness and a supportive, positive environment for all.
  • Qigong creates a safe space for children to connect and support each other, removing ego and jealousy.
  • Intention: Children have demonstrated extended abilities through intention & experiments.
  • La Qi and 8 verses meditation are the kid's favorites.

Links & Resources:
Mirjam’s site: https://mirjam-buck.de/en/
La Qi Me

🎮 Discover Qigong Game: https://www.zhineng-qigong-students-hub.com/discover-qigong/

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Children bending spoons, reading books blindfolded, cutting vegetables in half and miraculously melting them back together. No, this is not the latest Harry Potter movie. This is happening at a regular school in Germany. And the miracles don't stop there. Our guest today, Mirjam Buck, has transformed the lives of a group of children And while doing so, her own as well.

Listen to her incredible story. And today I have got Mirjam, Mirjam Buck with me. Mirjam is famous in the community because she got involved into working with Zhineng Qigong and children. And so this is what we're going to explore today. And Mirjam, welcome to the show. Let us know, let our listeners know first, you know, how you got to work with children in the first place.

Yeah, hello everyone. First, thank you for inviting me, Torsten. Yeah, I, I got involved, in Children's Qigong, I, I don't know, I can't remember the, the, the date exactly, but it must be some kind of eight, Nine years ago that I participated, to workshop Children Qi Gong, with Britta and Jianshe in Bad Zwischenahn.

And, I remember, that Britta told me about it I said, Oh, it's for children, but can I also participate? Because it really, I felt so much joy already about this. And she said, yes, you can be kind of coach like that. So, I came and, I brought also, my friend Karen with me. And, I think there was about three days.

Eight children were in the workshop and, yeah, I really, after this, also Karen, me and Karen, we were so, excited and so, overwhelmed, yeah, from this experiences with the children that, yeah, the universe kind of gave us the chance to, to give, lessons in a primary school. And, we started, I think, three or five weeks after we, participated to the workshop with Jianshe.

And, we had, from the beginning on four, four groups, each week in the, in the primary school. And, so we, we had a lot of, experience because we had, we just did it. We, we just jumped in and started even we didn't know how we will do that. 

So, so what did you do exactly when you first came into the class and the children were there looking at you expecting me?

So what did you actually do with the kids? 

Yes. In the beginning, we were, we were really planning the sessions, because that also gave us a little bit, safety, whatever. And we started with, with, animals. Yeah. We just, always we brought one animal and, then we taught, we told them a story, from this animal.

And by this we started to do the movements. The Zhineng 

Qigong movements with the animals? Zhineng Qigong 

movements. Yeah. Because we saw children, they always love animals. And that was really, you know, Really easy to, to catch their attention or, or their, they really liked it to, to, yeah, work with this, animal, stories and, movements. , That was the beginning, the starting, but, after a while, we noticed that the, that, that was also not always so easy because, we had quite a lot of children. And, you know, we had also their discipline problems. Yeah. And they don't like sometimes what we were doing or they don't couldn't be so silent or whatever.

And, and also for me in current was, you know, Yeah, not so easy in the beginning to handle this because we, we had no plan, you know, we had no, advice to do. We just did it. And, and then, after a while, it's changed the way we, we teach it changed just naturally and became more, creative.

and more creative together with the children. Up to now, now I'm, I'm doing it alone. The children she gone, since two years, up to that, we, we always did every last together car in me. And, since I. Do it alone. Perhaps because I'm also, I'm like this. I like this, to, to create lessons in the moment.


And that's what I do now. I never plan anything. And now it's more free, more creative, more together. And we create the every lesson together, the children and me. 

So what does that mean exactly? Are you still focusing on the physical exercises or are you doing something else? Or what is actually the content of the lessons?

Yeah. Yeah, good question. I have more in the background in my, you know, because I learned , I have the, the, the theory in my body, you know, or in my mind, in my heart. And, with this information, I come, to the lesson that that's, I think that's already, the Qi field, right? That's already the information field and, .

because and then I can just, be free because I, I, I, I trust, I trust the information, I trust, also me, I trust, the, the, the, the field, whatever. I, I just feel very, I'm not never stressed anymore. I feel, I never feel stressed with the children. Like I felt at the beginning. 


What was very, ,

Exhausting. It was exhausting, right? Yeah. In the 

beginning it was exhausting because I, I thought I had to fight against the children, or I had to find, discipline solutions, whatever. And, I, I don't have that anymore. And I, I, I also wonder how that. came to this. And I think that, that I, I really understood, because I listened to the children.

They want to be co creative. And if you, if you let them, if you give them the room, then they want to be, yeah, a team. They want to be a community and then they will, they're like, just. Never be against something because they are seen. Yeah. Mm-Hmm. . And they can show up and they, and they, they see and feel that you, respect their ideas, you respect their emotions.

You respect, just like they come, 

mm-Hmm. , 

no, never the same. 

Mm-Hmm. . 

And, um. And now I have one group at the moment, I think the children come already one and a half year or more and, they never, yeah, skip any lesson. They always come. always come. They love it, still love it. And even the parents, they wonder why they still want to come.

And they gave them, yeah, you can play piano, you can play, whatever. They want them to do other things. Well, they say, no, I would go to Qigong, I loved it. And when I asked them, why, why you are still coming, why do you love, love to come? Because, because we are inner friends, one girl told me. We are inner friends.

And now, and she also told me, what she feels about being an inner friend. And this group, she said, one time, you told us you couldn't come to the lesson. So me, I couldn't come because I was ill. And the children, they heard that from the parents that I, that the lesson won't be because I'm ill.

And, they came together in the school. Meeting in on the, on the playground in the pause, you know, and, they said, Mirjam's, let's, let's send her some, qi and so they sent me qi and she told me this situation where they came together to send me qi was, was so wonderful, a wonderful feeling for her.

Because she felt this group, this community to do the same information, good information and also this, wonderful feeling to, to, to, help someone together in a group. And that's, that's, she said, that's what I mean about in a, being in a friends. And it really touched me so much. I have that recorded also, but, you know, I'm, I, I won't, she, I asked her if I can, if I can, if other people can listen to that, but she said, no, it's just for you.

So, I have to respect that. 

Absolutely. And you were mentioning respect earlier, when you said now you respect what the children ideas are, what their thoughts are, how they're feeling. And so I think this is an incredible experience you are creating there because we're living at a time. Where most teachers and parents are complaining about the lack of, of discipline, lack of interest in anything, lack of being attentive, you know, attention deficit and stuff like that.

And it seems you have the opposite experience with what you're creating there with Zhineng Qigong. Do you have any, can you tell us a little more about the reactions or what do you see in the children? What has changed, you know, over the, over time? When you were working with them, when you kind of creating this together, do you see any changes in the children?

Do you see any, if you get any reactions from the parents or from the teachers, maybe you can share a little bit about that. 

Yes. Yes. I, I'm, it's interesting because I'm working in the school where the kids come from. So, I also, I heard from the, the parent, parents, but also from the, from the teachers.

And that's very interesting cause, I had one boy. He, he moved out to another city, so, it's not, in my group anymore, but, still in, still in our heart group. And, he was in the beginning, first, first class, was, he was, always, shouting and, screaming in this class, disturbing and, kind of aggressive also.

I don't know how he came to me, but just happened he came in my group and, hlso for me in the beginning, it was kind of challenging with him because he was always talking, always joking, always, yeah, like this, and, and, and I have one, one situation. with him, where he and me really, understood, his potential.

And that was a changing point. And because he, we, we did needles magnetic, you know, exercising this and he was already his, his needle was already magnetic. But two girls, they, they had kind of bad information about themselves. They both, they said, I won't do this. I won't manage it. It's, I can, can I do this?

And then I told the boy, wait, you know that that is possible. I just invite you to sit. Between these girls, just sit there and just share your information. Just make your, your good information wide in this room that the girls might pick it up. Just try it. I invite you to try and then he said, then you like, like this, and really it was not a minute.

It was less, both girls had their needles magnetic. And, and, yes. And then, I, I, Ask him, how do you feel now? And he said, I feel so wonderful. Never saw that. It could be so wonderful to just share the information. Just be, just be here doing nothing.

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I would just like to add something here because some of our listeners might not know this exercise. So basically what you're doing is you're taking two needles, just ordinary needles, and with the power of your consciousness, you magnetize one of them so that you can pick up the other one, you know, by the magnet magnetic force of the first one.

That is basically the, the, the exercise that you've been doing, right? Perfect. So he could do it. And then, what he basically did, if I understood it, he connected via what we call in Qigong, he sent this information. So the other girls understood, well, if he can do it, then I can do it. And then it worked, right?

Yes. That's it. That's it. That's what I always, that's one, one thing I, I experienced, and also try to, let the children experience this, that if one can do, don't be jealous, just be happy. Oh, if he can do, I can do also. We can do, everyone, everyone can do. 


And that's what I also see it changes.

They are not so jealous anymore to what, one, one child might can do better. Because in the beginning there was this competition. Like in school, he's better than me. Oh, I'm, I'm bad. No, I'm not so self confident because I can't do this. Yes. And now, I, I changed, it changed because, sometimes If we see there's one child who can, he, he got this, he picked up the information like the last session we, we, we, we did the spoons, you know, we, twisted spoons.

Yes, and I was bought a one boy. He had a soup spoon other quite big yes, and He he he was so concentrated and we we built the Qi field before and and then he said oh It's getting so hot. I think I twist it now and and then I said, okay, let's let's all support him. 


It's just, just the other spoons beside, we support him and the supporters and the one who's doing it, it's the same importance because we, we are a group, we are a team.

So he's not better than others because he can twist the spoon. You are as, as important as him if you are, if you support him now, and then he could twist it five times. 

This is, this is something that if any of the listeners have never been part of this experiment, it's usually which blows your mind.

I've been a part of, part of one of the workshops with the Yi Yuan Ti where the kids were doing the spoon bending and it's incredible. Two, three, four loops without any problems, without any force. So it is an incredible experiment. And obviously this is something that the kids love because, you know, who doesn't want to do that?

Yeah. And I love how you. How you've basically made it a success of everyone because everyone was the same importance, right? By supporting with their awareness and with their, with the information and with their Qi, you know, this one boy, so that he could do this incredible, incredible, you know, I don't even know how to call it.

It's, it's a phenomenon, at the end of the day. So I think that's, that's amazing. And no wonder they love coming, to the, To your, your trainings there, because this feeling of being part of something bigger, this feeling of what it means to support other people to be successful. That's a beautiful thing.

And we don't get that as much in these days, where it's all about, you know, who gets more likes on Instagram, he's the winner. And here it's about, you know, being all together as a wonderful experience. 

Yeah. And also I have to tell because this boy. He, he was so also blown away because of this spoon.

Then he, at home, he asked his mother, can I have another spoon? And, and he tried and it didn't work like this. 

Of course not . 

Yeah. Yeah. And then there was also a good experience for him to see in a group. There's so much more energy. And also it's, it's, it's not only me, it's the group. It's the power of, of being, of supporting each other.

And that also was a good experience also for me to hear. And it's not pushing the ego, you know, it's because, that's also very important. What I. I think it's important, and not always telling, Oh, you're so wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. No, that no, it's important is they, they become self confident about this experience to see I can do something.

And no, normally, everyone would say that's not possible, but I can do, I can do make some self confidence. Also, we do this seeing without eyes. No, I have this mindful mask. 


And meanwhile, they all can, read, Blindfolded, we, we play, you know, cards blindfolded. This sounds 

so spooky to somebody who has never done that.

I can imagine, you can imagine, but I also can do this. So, for me, it's normal. It's not a supernatural, it's more natural, but we just forgot about it. And, what I experienced also through this, what also the children told me and I also experienced by myself, if, if you are, if you can see like this, I don't know if it's a consciousness with what you see, but it's possible.

It happens, something happens, and, I, I'm, I think I recognize that also through disability the children are more self confident. It's, it's like they, they are so, in their body, that, that, something from outside won't, won't, touch them or they just know who they are. Yes. That's, that's why I, that's why I do this experiments.

That's why I do this. I, um. with them or the experiments. It's not about being supernatural or a super girl, a super boy. One boy. He's so he told me what, when he got this with a spoon. So we are not super man. We are not super woman. We are super friends. So that's what I learned from them.

That's what they tell me. And, they're like inner friends, super friends that this other words that come from the children. And that show me, what, what is possible for, for our mankind, you know, for us all. And that's really touches me. And, it gives me everything I give them comes thousands times back to me.

And, you know, I'm, I'm not always, one who is, yeah, you know, guiding everything. Sometimes it's, it's, it's a child. out of my group because, because that happens, just it happens because the, the child says something and I said, Oh, will you try this? And then she guides or he guides.

And, that's also very important. I see this, that they, they grow through this, if they, they have the responsibility because that was their idea. And I know one time I also had that, that, Boy, he, had a great idea and I, I was also happened to me that I said, Oh, you're so wonderful. I said that also happened to me, you know, but that the kids are so self confident that they, that they, show it to me what I said and I won't, they won't judge me for that because they're so self confident.

The girl, one girl, she said to me, do you know what you said there? Said, yes, you are wonderful, and she said, yes, but Why are you not saying we are wonderful? You forgot yourself. And I said, Oh, wonderful. And that brought me back to the group, you know, and brought me back on the same level, on the heart level.

Because if you also, if you're judging someone, yeah, like thinking so, so big, yeah, him thinking he's so, better than me, you know, then you are smaller. Yeah. And he's bigger. And then there is not a heart to heart. Then there's not this, connection. And yeah, but that happens to everyone. But, the kids, they, they managed to see that.

And they managed to, to, Change that again, without, judging, without shouting or letting you feel bad or something. They, because they, yeah, they, they just say it from their heart. They are just, So connected. 

I think, I think what, what you, what you're doing there basically is, you, you connect them so much with their power and who they are, that there is no need for any ego games.

There is no need to be better than you. And I think that is the reason, you know, when you say that if there's anything happening from the outside, It doesn't, you know, they're still standing there, like a rock and knowing who they are, knowing they can handle whatever life serves up. So that's a, that's a great, you know, thing to take away as a, as a kid, you know, when you grow up, rather than being, you know, full of anxiety and, all of the other issues we have to deal with these days.

So that's what I hear from, from the stories you're telling at least, right. 

Yes, yes, yes. You put it in the right words. Thank you. I couldn't say that better. Yeah, that's, that's what I see, through the work. And, when we are not doing the Lift qi Up, for example, because, for them, you know, children, they are already so connected.

It's enough if you tell them, just, be inside. And it's enough. They already, they already is the qi already there. And, if we, what they like is la qi, la qi, and, pouring qi down. Okay. The three things they really, love and the eight verses. They always ask me to sing them because they feel what it is.

They really see, they, they tell me it's special, the eight first. They are special. They feel it so much. And, if they really exhausted from, from school or whatever, they, they come and say, today, I need eight verses that you sing them for me. And, then really they are so, they're now so warm.

They sometimes say, I have to put out my clothes. It's so hot here. And, also through this La Qi, they, they tell me, it's, oh, when I close my eyes and I do La Qi, or if I just go in my, inside my head, there's so much light that I have to open my eyes because it's so much light or there's so much warm feeling and.

tickling inside when I do La Qi. Some, one girl also told me, today I had, for the first time when I closed my eyes and did La Qi, I saw the Qi coming up from Ming Men, They see that, really see that, some children also saw, saw inside their body, their organs, they could explain how the brain looked like, or the heart looked like, also could see you.

It's in my body. Really they are, they have, if you're not limitating them, or just not saying that it's not possible, or this is not possible, then everything is possible. 

What I Sorry. I just want to add one more thing, because for me, this is very remarkable because the exercises they enjoy most is the one with the least action.

It's not with a big movements running around. I mean, the eight verses it's a meditation in a language they don't even understand. And, and, and La Qi is the slowest of all the exercises, the slowest movement. So it's amazing how you're leading these young kids. Into, into the stillness. And, that is something, you know, that is so difficult to get these days with most children and adults as well.

So I'm really surprised that, yeah, that they are at a stage where this is what they enjoy most. That comes actually, I didn't expect that. So that comes as a surprise to me. And I think it just shows how far they have gone already in their, in their work. And, so, yeah. So congratulations to that.

I'm not saying you are, I'm not saying you are wonderful because I'm, I'm further involved in that. We are all wonderful. 

Yes. , you learn from the kids also. I learned, I'm learning 

already. . 


But, sorry, I didn't want to interrupt you. I just wanted to add that because it's really something that would also surprise most of the listeners that have kids running around all day now that these kids are actually so fascinated by something like the eight verses meditation.

Yes. Yeah. And, but, what, perhaps is, important also to know about, how I am doing it, you know, everyone has to do his own experience, but, I, I now, when I start the lesson, I always make a kind of round everyone. can tell, he can tell what, what, what made him happy today, or also what, what was not good, just can share what he likes to share with she.

And then, I asked the, the girl or the boy about his wish for today, if there's anything wants to do, today. And, and then I asked, do you need farchi today and, and, how many, so, and then, if the girl or boy wants to have fa qi, then, I ask him who, who, who of the children, also me, should, collect the Qi for you.

And then the one is, looking at every one of the groups, so, and then, leading it to the, to the child also, to me. But it happens more and more often now that they don't need anything. 


No, I'm, I'm already full of qi, I don't need any, anything more. So, the beginning, at the beginning there was, sometimes one girl said, I need 10 times.

I really need so much, but it happens less, normally they don't need so much sometimes one or two times. What they love to do is, is this experiments, see without eyes, the needles magnetic, always this two things again and again. We are sticking zucchini together. And I also love that very much.

I don't know that. How can you explain that to me? No, you don't know the experiment. 

We cut the zucchini and then right away we put it together. Perhaps not like it was before but like, you know, like this. That's it, like this. 

Oh, so like in a 90 degree angle, yes? Now, 

yes. And then we focus on it. Yes. The beginning, everyone had his own or its own zucchini, but then after a time, we thought it's perhaps better if we have only one and we all concentrate on one.

And that was also, really more, more power, powerful. And, they love that because So what 

happens to the zucchini? I'm curious now. What is happening to the zucchini? The 

zucchini is, is growing together again. Are you 

kidding me? Now you're even scaring me here. 

Yeah, it's going together. And, also my, I don't know if that's normal.

Perhaps it's normal about zucchini. I don't know, but I just do it because they love that. And, what I experienced is that if you take the zucchini like this and you put it in the fridge and forget it. Two, two days or three days. I did that several times and then I put, put it out of the fridge. And then I put some, some stuff on it, like in a, in a bag, one and a half liter water, I did one time, three oranges, two, two, two, apples and so on.

And it was still holding, it was not, uh. 

Oh, you would. So you were weighing stuff on the zucchini and it wouldn't break apart. It was, it was grown together. So, well, okay. I understand. 

I met the experience that, I don't know why, but that if, if you let the zucchini a little bit, Timed, let him calm, forget about it.

It's like, 


like the qi, you send the qi and then forget about it. And then, it's even more tight. So it's just an experience I made, kind of explain it, but it's like that. 

Well, I certainly know what 

I'm going to 

do while I'm cooking dinner tonight, so for that inspiration. I've got, I've got a question when it comes to the reaction of the, of the environment of the children.

So do you get any responses from parents or from teachers? Yes. 

So, yeah, about the boy, perhaps I told about the boy who had the problems in the beginning. And, the teacher, she, she told me that he changed completely, in his social behavior. And, one time, because the teachers sometimes, because they know I'm Qigong teacher, they ask me sometimes to do Qigong for 10 minutes with the whole class.

And, I was in this class and, there were this, some kids out of my group and also this boy. And it was one week after this experience he made, you know, with, with just, just sitting there sharing his information, you know, with the girls I mentioned. And then I was standing in front of the class and he was sitting, sitting right next to me.

And then he whispered to me, I will help you. I will just share best information. I said, wow, wonderful. And he was really so concentrated and so calm and so quiet because he really wanted to support me. Yes. And that's really touched me so much that, that a boy normally was so, yeah, didn't know where to go with this energy.

Yes. Very 

destructive before. Yeah. And now it turns completely into a constructive behavior. Yes. Yes. Because. 

He experienced it on his, in his own body, what, what he can, yeah, what his force is, what his potential is, and that he can, decide to, to disturb or to, connect. And he, now it was really conscious, kind of conscious, choice he made.

Yes. And that really was, that's incredible, a seven year old boy. Yeah, we changed his mind. That's happens to me some, some time, sometimes more, with kids, also with a girl, always disturbing. I told this story so, so often, that was weird because that also touched me it was quite in the beginning where we did this, lessons in school for, you know, this four times a week.

And, I was alone in this lesson and there was one girl sitting under the table, always shouting bad words, wanting to disturb and wanted to, you know, picked me with my ego. I felt that already, like, and then I thought, okay, how can I react not like a normal teacher who would send her out? And just stand in front of the door, stand there and that and I said, just close your eyes.

Just, I don't know how to behave. Just perhaps that comes into an idea out of wherever. And then I heard myself asking her, do you know why you're doing this? What was, I think it must, it came, must come from my heart because she reacted and she said, Yes, because I'm stupid. 


I said, Oh, okay. And I said, No, I understand.

I invite you to come in the middle of our group to change your information. 


she came, she came, she came under her table. She was set in the middle of the group. And, and then we did, you know, it's a common exercise, like a warm shower. Yeah, where every child told her something nice about her. I like your blue eyes and couldn't just what that came, what came to them.

And also me, told her something nice. And from the first child on, she gave each child, her hand looked her in the child in the eyes and said, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. And the whole group. And then after that, she sat in the circle and after this lesson, 


was the most, um, yeah, enjoying child of Qigong, you know, they, she created her own lift.

She up a quick lift. She up because also speaking with that, all the love coming like this. So it was really, Also, I learned from this that the information level and information and then coming from the heart. really can change in the moment. Yeah, the heart, the mind, perhaps also body. I couldn't look into, but it changed her completely.

She, she, she made friends after this. She, she didn't disturb anymore. Also in the class, she changed. And one boy gave her, u after this, where she, sat in the middle and went back to the, to the group, there was one boy sitting next to her and he gave her a kiss. And she was like, smiling.

And, the boy that, story also with this girl, this was some, the Powerful stories. I experienced with the Children 


I said when, when there was such a big ego before, because there was perhaps very slow, very less self confidence. And then suddenly. More self confidence, more trusting, opening, Oh yeah, then, yeah, then everyone could change.

The world could change, yeah. Yeah, that's what I learned from, from, from this experience with the children. 

I mean, that is a fascinating conversation we are having here, and so I want to thank you a lot, for taking the time and share all this, I think you're, you're, you're, you're saying the right words here, if we, if we manage to touch more people with this work, particularly young people, very young people in this case, we can have a big impact on society and how we evolve as human beings and how we are with each other as human beings.

so much. And, I can only encourage, you know, any, any listener out there who says, she thinks you're going to teach her and it's thinking of, well, maybe I can take this into my school or my kindergarten or my whatever, my youth groups now to use this podcast, you know, go to the authority. It's full authority and say, Please listen to this podcast and let's see whether we can create something like this in our place, in our school here, or our community.

That would be amazing. So thank you very much, Mirjam, for sharing all this. I could go on for hours and maybe if we get a lot of positive feedback here, we're going to have a second conversation about that. And, yeah, obviously in the show, do you have a website, Mirjam? Yes, yes. Perfect. So we're going to put it in a show note so people know how to reach out to you.

And, then, who knows? So maybe there's going to be one school in Italy and maybe there's going to be one school in, Uzbekistan, in the future, you know, doing the same thing. It's wonderful work that you're doing there. Congratulations to that and yeah, keep it up. And I look forward to our next conversation.

Yeah. Thank you very much for inviting me and I hope, the spirit will, will, reach the whole world.

We trust you enjoyed this conversation and we invite you to subscribe to our podcast so we can stay in touch. and notify you of future episodes. We will end today's episode with the eight verses meditation performed by zhineng qi gong teacher Katrien Hendrickx. Enjoy.

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