Wisdom Qigong Uncovered

Qigong & Yi Yuan Ti: Harnessing Brain Energy and A Pathway To A Higher Consciousness - Katrien Hendrickx

Katrien Hendrickx Season 1 Episode 26

Yi Yuan Ti represents the energy of our brain and the Qi of the central nervous system. Dr Pang describes this brain energy as the most refined Qi in the universe. Zhineng Qigong teacher, Katrien Hendrickx discusses that this power of the mind is essential for our physical well-being and also serves as the foundation for our consciousness. Stating that a pure Yi Yuan Ti is equated with one's true self, free from the accumulated experiences that form our reference framework. A distinct type of Qi. It has autonomy yet precision. The one who stays focused can direct Qi and influence physical and emotional healing, Katrien explains.

To cultivate Yi Yuan Ti - observation is a critical component. It’s by becoming aware of our reference framework—shaped by life experiences and emotional responses—we can begin to purify our Yi Yuan Ti, Katrien explains. This awareness allows us to recognize thought patterns and habits. As we learn to observe these reactions without judgment, we can gradually set aside our conditioned responses and reconnect with the purity of our Yi Yuan Ti, fostering a clearer perception of ourselves and our surroundings.

In Zhineng Qigong, the nervous system is seen as the first life system, which processes sensory information and shapes our life experiences. Yi Yuan Ti comes into play, in the second life system, unlocking the potential for what some may call paranormal abilities. Katrien notes these abilities are not supernatural but rather a natural consequence of our innate capacities, waiting to be cultivated through practice and awareness. By activating certain energy points to where the Yi Yuan Ti is located in our brain we develop these abilities, something akin to that of the third eye - a higher consciousness or sixth sense.

Zhineng Qigong practitioners and students can learn to cultivate Yi Yuan Ti to find their true self and understand the world around them. By tapping into this energy, individuals can manage their physical health, their cognitive processes and even clear emotional blockages, allowing for a more harmonious life.

Mindful Moments:

  • Yi Yuan Ti is described as the energy of the brain, considered the most refined Qi (vital life force) in the universe according to Dr. Pang, founder of Zhineng Qigong
  • In Qigong a pure Yi Yuan Ti is equated with one's true self, free from accumulated experiences that form our reference framework
  • Cultivating Yi Yuan Ti can help individuals manage physical health, cognitive processes, and emotional blockages, promoting a more harmonious life
  • Yi Yuan Ti is linked to consciousness, a foundational aspect of the Zhineng Qigong practice
  • Dr. Pang's theory describes three layers: body, Qi, and the information level (consciousness), with Yi Yuan Ti being the energy of consciousness and the central nervous system

Links & Resources:

Katrien on The Theory of Zhineng Qigong: https://youtu.be/CVpiPKA8AK0
Katrien's Yout

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Dr. Pang considers the Yi Yuan Ti to be the most refined Qi in the universe. What is the Yi Yuan Ti exactly? And how do we cultivate it to take charge of our health and our lives? Often called the energy of the brain, it is also the source of paranormal abilities, which taking a closer look are more normal than we might think.

Katrien Hendrickx has explored the power of the Yi Yuan Ti and its role within Qigong. My name is Torsten Lueddecke. And this is the Wisdom Qigong Podcast.

First of all, hi Torsten, nice to meet you again. And we will talk about Yi Yuan Ti. Yes, you asked me, that we should have a conversation about it. Well, Yi Yuan Ti is the energy of our brain. In Zhineng Qigong, and Qigong, we work with energy. Yi Yuan Ti. And we have energy in our body all over inside outside. But we have a particular sort of energy in our brain.

And Dr. Pang, who developed Zhineng Qigong, he called that the Yi Yuan Ti. So that's the energy of our brain and it's a very special sort of energy. It's a very refined, very subtle, also very intelligent form of energy. What humans have, animals apparently don't have that kind of energy. 

All right. So if you say what human has, that automatically takes me to, well, maybe it's got something to do with consciousness because, now obviously our consciousness is on a higher level than that of plants or of animals.

So am I correct to say that? 

Yes, it is also the energy of our consciousness and we can develop that consciousness. We can be not so conscious that we have a consciousness that we can develop. So it's, it's the place in our brain is a very special space and that's called the pineal gland. But in that space, we have our consciousness.

And how does this connect to the, to the Yi Yuan Ti? Well, it is called the Yi Yuan Ti. When, when we go back to the theory of Dr. Pang, so he described the three layers. We have our body, the form. Then we have the Qi in our body. That's the cheer there. And then we have the information level and that's our consciousness.

And the energy of our consciousness is Yi Yuan Ti. And with Yi Yuan Ti, we can manage so many things. With our Yi Yuan Ti, with the energy of our brain, we can manage our life on all the three levels. We can manage our body level, our cheer level, and even consciousness level itself. Because with Yi Yuan Ti, we can observe, we can observe, and we can observe in a very clear, way, so that with what we observe, we can interpret, and then we can store the information, we can do so many things with the Yi Yuan Ti, with the energy of our brain.

Was that a bit an answer to your question? 

Yes. I'm still, I mean, you said it very nicely when you said the Yi Yuan Ti is the energy of the brain. Now, but what does it mean exactly? I mean, how do I use that or how do I cultivate that in daily life? 

Okay, then we are going to speak about the reference framework.

When we are born, we experience so many things and we form our reference framework. How we are going to think about life, how we are going to judge, to analyze things. That's all part of our reference framework. And what we experience in life. forms our reference framework. And our Yi Yuan Ti, when we are born as a baby, our Yi Yuan Ti is pure.

We are born with a pure Yi Yuan Ti, but then we grow up, we experience a lot of things, and we form our reference framework. For instance, we experience something and we, we get angry, or we get sad, or we, we, we judge in a very negative way. That's our reference framework. A baby can't do that yet. If we, if we are conscious of our reference framework, we can dev, develop, Our Yi Yuan Ti to become pure again and not to be dependant anymore of our reference framework.

Because if we live, and that's the daily part of Zhineng Qigong, we can do Zhineng Qigongwe can learn about the theory, we can do the methods of Zhineng Qigong. But the purpose of Dr. Pang also was to develop our own life to go to a higher level of, of our way of living. So if we are conscious of our reference framework. How we act, how we feel, how we think, how we observe so many things.

If we are conscious about that, then we Then we can develop our Yi Yuan Ti to become pure again. 

Let me try to, to put it in my words, because I think I understood what you mean. What you call the reference framework is basically, you know, based on our experience as a kid or when we grow up, we form certain ideas and certain beliefs about how the world works.

And then we tend to see everything that happens through these ideas, through these beliefs. So that's our reference framework. This is the reason why I see the world different than you do. And that's one of our listeners we do because they have a different experience. Now what you're saying is that when we are born, our, our, the energy of the brain, the Yi Yuan Ti is, is pure because there is no such thing as a reference framework.

We don't, when things, when we, when we perceive things, we don't put this filter on. Right. So we, it is very pure. And over time we build up this reference framework and the way to get back to the purity is to become aware that we are doing this, to become aware of what is my reference framework actually, because if I can see that, then I can kind of put it aside and say, okay, you know, I'll put it aside and then, you know, the, the whole chattering in my mind, the whole thoughts that come in and out, I just put them aside and I'm, I can open up to the, to the pureness of this brain force energy of the Yi Yuan Ti, right?

Is that fair to say? Yes, that's very 

true. And that's not easy. It's a process because you say you put your reference framework aside, but that's not so easy because all these patterns are very, Inherent, in, in our, in our brain, in our way of thinking, in our way of living, in our way of feeling. So that's why they say the daily life is a best tool and test to, to get to know your reference framework.

If you experience something, how do you react? How, what are your emotions? What are your thoughts? So it's true daily life. that you can see clear in your reference framework. And Thorsten, we have two things there. We spoke now about being born with a pure Yi Yuan Ti, the reference framework we develop in our life.

So if we look at the world, if we look at ourselves, our Observation is not pure and clear anymore more because we have this reference framework, and that's one part of our unity. We can be conscious of it and start to develop our unity to become pure and clear again. But then, that's one part. And then you have another part as to me.

I feel it that way. You have the unity, you can develop. Because your Yi Yuan Ti is, is able to, to get in information that is what you see, what you, what you feel. These information comes through, through your senses. That's information that comes in, into your brain, into your Yi Yuan Ti. And then you can develop or your Yi Yuan Ti to, to go a level higher.

And to develop your Yi Yuan Ti to become paranormal, and that's another part of our Yi Yuan Ti. So we are born with an Yi Yuan Ti, the, the, the potential of our brain. And that's, that's, that's our nervous system, that's our logical thinking, that's one part of our Yi Yuan Ti. That we can make sure it stays pure and clear.

That's one part. But Dr. Pang also has this layer in his consciousness theory that you can develop your Yi Yuan Ti even to that high level that you get paranormal abilities. And that's a second. life system. We have our first life system in using our nervous system, in using our senses to get information. And that's how Yi Yuan Ti works.

The energy of our brain gets in information, we reflect on it, and then we get our reference framework and we can try to, to make our reference framework pure again. But you have a second layer in the Yi Yuan Ti, And that's how to develop your Yi Yuan Ti that you get paranormal abilities. 

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That is a very interesting topic. I'd like to put it aside for just for a moment. We're going to tackle it. We're going to tackle it in a second. I'd just like to go back to when you talk about the daily life, because when I said it's easy, you just put the reference framework apart. You said it's not that easy because so many things are unconscious.

We don't even know we are doing these things. So, So then you said that the daily life is the best teacher. And I think what you, what you mean, if I understood that correctly is say I'm driving the car and the person in front of me, doesn't move. Although the light has changed to green and I'll get angry or upset about it.

This is something to observe, right? This is to observe to see, okay. What am I actually thinking? What is my emotion? Because that is all part of the reference framework. This is me repeating, yeah, what I've learned over the years over and over and over again, which is always the same thing, which is, but which is the filter that actually, is the way I see life.

And that is which, makes it impossible to have the pureness of the Yi Yuan Ti, right? So this is what you, what you spoke about, because it's, it's actually simple on one level because all I need to do is to observe, but it's everyday situations where I can really learn about myself. Now, how comes I'm doing this?

How comes I react this way or that way? No, and, and no matter what I come up with, this observation will tell me. What my frame of reference is and then I'm aware and then it's a little easier to put it aside. It's still not easy, but it's a little easier, right? 

Right. Okay. 


may I add something to your example?

Because it's very well chosen example. You are there in front of the traffic lights. It becomes greens that the car in front of you doesn't, doesn't start immediately and you get angry. If your Yi Yuan Ti is pure, you are very patient, you understand the person for you, maybe it's, distracted or I don't know, and you wait.

And if you are standing there for five minutes, then you can use your phone, perhaps. But if your Yi Yuan Ti is pure, you just wait. You don't act immediately angry or, or whatever you, you could act in what way. So that's observing your Yi Yuan Ti. That's observing the old patterns. Maybe there was one reason in the past why you became impatient and got angry.

And that's a pattern that developed and that pattern gets stronger and stronger and stronger. So if you meet a particular situation the same as the one who made you angry and impatient, you get impatient again. And observing that you get impatient and that you get angry is a first step in your process to make your reference framework purer and purer.


In the end, if you have this situation a hundred times, you will be there and waiting and be patiently. 

Now, I'm taking this a step further now because often it's not just, oh, there was one incident, in traffic where I experienced this and I became impatient and now I'm repeating it.

It might. Go far much deeper than that, and I might learn much more about that because it might just be that I enjoy pointing out when somebody else is wrong. Now I'm talking about myself here because I noticed that about myself now in traffic as well. You know, somebody makes a mistake. I'm not, might not even be affected by it because I see it and I can stop.

I would still like to, to, to push the horn, just to let them know they made a mistake. So it's, it's, it's, then I can learn about my righteousness, you know, how I, how I enjoy to be right about things. And whenever I see someone else doing a mistake, I'll, I'll point that out to these people. While if it's me that does the mistake, I'm like, You know, why are you getting so upset about it?

It's just a simple mistake. So all of these things is something I can learn about myself, right? So, so it might go much deeper and I might have to explore much deeper to see, okay, why am I actually doing this? What's behind that? And where else do I see it in my life? And then I can learn about my reference framework.

Right. Cool. Now, let's move one step further because you really make me curious when you mentioned paranormal abilities. I mean, that sounds spooky. And the first thing that I would like to say there is I personally think, and I might be completely off what everybody else thinks in the zhineng Qigong world, I personally think it's the wrong interpretation.

expression because it is actually not really, you know, supernatural or paranormal. It's actually a skill that we all have when we, you know, when we are born, we just need to cultivate that, but it's, there's nothing, there's nothing spooky about it. So I think that's something to keep in mind when we talk about paranormal or supernatural.

It's not some hocus pocus. It is something that's been there all, all along. So let's talk a little bit about that. Now, how do you cultivate your, your Yi Yuan Ti in a way that you can, you know, develop these, these skills and these abilities? 

Yes, Torsten, I agree with you that it's not paranormal because everyone is born with these abilities, with this potential, everyone has it.

But we forget about it because we are trained to live in this world. based on our five senses. And that's why Dr. Tang calls that the nervous system and the five senses, the first life system, we, we are born and our senses start to work. And it's how we interact with the world in first place. But the second life system is what is called the paranormal abilities.

But as you say, it is not spooky at all because we all have it and that's the potential of the Yi Yuan Ti of the energy of our brain. The Yi Yuan Ti. If we, if we develop the Yi Yuan Ti., we can develop these paranormal abilities. And then we have to develop, what's called the third eye, but the third eye is really in our brain.

That's our third eye. That, that's, the sense that, that can see and feel and hear, information that we don't catch with our five senses. So if we, if we manage to activate certain energy points and energy gates and channels, to the place where Yi Yuan Ti in our brain is, we can activate these. How we are going to call it?

Because paranormal is not, is not a right word. It is not paranormal. It is in fact normal, but we don't activate it and when we can and, and in Zhineng Qigong there are methods to, to activate these energy points. These, these channels, these are important points. Our, our, the top of our head by way, and, and this part of our headmen are a gate to heaven.

And, and in time, what is also called third eye. If we can activate and open these. points and there are channels from the universe through these points to our pineal gland and from the universe down to our pineal gland. If we are able to, to activate these points, to open them and to activate the channels, we can activate the Sorry to say, but paranormal abilities, perhaps we should find another word for paranormal.

I think we've made it clear that we don't really think it's paranormal, but so we can use the word. Don't worry about that. 


Yes. Good. 

Yeah. Because it's, in fact, it's normal. Everybody, everybody has the ability to use these, these, this potential. Everybody can develop. this potential. 

Now let's talk, before we go, you said there are some methods and I want to go into that a little, a little later when we talk about, okay, what methods are there in zhineng qigong to open up that possibility.

But before we do that, let's just slowly move into what are these abilities that we are talking about? Now I would like to, yeah, to something that comes to mind to me is sometimes when I'm sitting here in a podcast, I say the most amazing things. And I don't even know where they come from. And, you know, what I'm, what I've learned from Qigong teachers is, is this is actually my Yi Yuan Ti connecting with the information that is already out there.

So I can kind of perceive certain things. Without, you know, a massive thinking before or a big thinking process, I don't figure it out beforehand. It just comes to my mind. I'll channel it and then I'll put it out through my mouth. And I think we all have these experience, you know, somewhere in our life where we say things that we say, wow, that was actually quite something.

I didn't even know I knew that. Right. And now this is, I think it's a, it's a simple example of where our refined, a brain energy, the Yi Yuan Ti is actually connecting to all the information, all the wisdom that is there because, you know, it is, we are talking about oneness in, Zhineng, Qi Gong. And if it's all one, it means there is, you know, we can connect to this information and we can channel it through us.

So that would be for me, you know, something that I know from everyday life. Is that, is that an example? Yes, that is. That's true. 

That's also a part of Yi Yuan Ti, that you can receive the information that you pick up the information in the big qi field. 

Great. Give me more examples, please, Katrien. What else would be these abilities?

How else would that show? 

Oh, you gave a very, very good example. You, you, you say things that you would normally don't say and don't know. So you pick up information and another way of, of using this disability is when you see a person and you don't know a person, but you know, that person is, is for instance, you feel sadness in the person.

you feel a whole cloud of sadness around the person. He hasn't even said a word, but you know, he is sad. That's also picking up the information, right? And that's the ability of, of the Yi Yuan Ti to pick up information from a person, from a fee, from the qi field that is around us. We have to, you know, our body, but there is also.

Yeah. She around us far away into the universe and you, you're able to pick up that information, right? And some people are even that good that they pick up the right information on the right moment. And then you have a very good ability to use. 

Yes. Yes. And as far as I understand, it's, it is, it goes both ways.

So I can pick up the information, but I can also send information using my Yi Yuan Ti. 

Yes. Right. Which is 

basically the, the, the, the principle of distance healing. I couldn't do distance healing if I couldn't use my Yi Yuan Ti and send this information, this healing information to someone else or to a group of people.

Yes. An example of that is that you see, for instance, a person and you know, you feel that he is uncomfortable in a situation, in a group of people. So you can send with your Yi Yuan Ti, you can send the information to that person to calm down and to comfort him. And then you see that that person can relax. So the information you send the information, it's okay.

So calm down. You can be comfortable in the situation. The person received the information. It's also possible that that the person is in a shutdown, that he doesn't get the information, but if you you send it in a very subtle way. There is a big chance that the person will be open for that information.

Now let me just see whether I got that right. What you're talking about now is like you're sitting there in a one on one situation and you can see the other person is struggling with something or is very nervous or is anxious or something like that. That, without saying a word, just by using your Yi Yuan Ti, you're sending the, you know, the information of peace, of everything is good, everything works out fine, or whatever you, the information is.

And that has an impact on that person and just can see a shift in his or her behavior. Is that what you're talking about? 

Yes, but you can also do it, do it with a person in, in a group when you are in a group of for instance, 20 people and you notice there is one person who's not feeling comfortable, you can send that information too.

And then you're not in a one to one situation. 

Now, I love that because this is something that we can all practice and we can all experience for ourselves. Now, this is not a complex exercise. We are always. Together with people, maybe if it's just in a coffee shop and I see a couple fighting with each other over coffee and being all upset with each other, I can send peaceful information, right?

And I can see the impact that my sending has. So it's a very, it's a beautiful experiment to do, you know, for the listeners because it's so simple to do. 

Yes. That's right. 

And it's also a question of practice because, you know, the more I do that, the more I get comfortable with it, you know, the better I become and the more powerful I become doing these things.


Yes. Yes. And these are very nice exercises. They make you happy. If you can see that it works, it makes you happy. 

Yes. Yes. 

But Torsten, I want to, to, to go a bit further and go a bit deeper in the matter because now we are doing, easy things. In fact, everything is easy if you train it, but you can use that Yi Yuan Ti to heal, to heal yourself and to heal people.

Please talk more about that. 

We already talked about receiving information and sending information, but you can use your Yi Yuan Ti If you train it enough, if you train these channels enough, you can use the information to heal. If people are ill, they have complaints, they have pain, I don't know what, you can send information to those places of that person to heal the person.

And then you use your Yi Yuan Ti to heal. as a healing method. But the condition is, that, that your mind is very clear and very stable. If we are in our reference framework, for instance, and we want, we want to heal a person, then it is our ego that is healing. That plays a role. An ego is, is, is not good in, in using your Yi Yuan Ti.

Your Yi Yuan Ti should be very pure, very calm, very stable. I can send information and if it works, it's okay. If it, if it doesn't work, it's, it's not my fault. It's not because I'm not good enough because I'm not strong enough. There are so many more conditions at stake. 


So, if you want to use your Yi Yuan Ti to heal yourself or to heal, other people, you should do it in a very calm, stable, pure, and clear state.

Independant of your own reference framework, 

right? And even outcome independent in a way, because you're just doing it with the best intention and whatever the result is the result, but you're not invested in it because that is the ego. And that momYi Yuan Ti the ego kicks in, then you're no longer in a pure state.

I mean, it's impossible to be in a pure state. Right. Now, this is obviously very tricky for a lot of us that are working in Qigong because now we're a teacher, we are a healer. So obviously we're looking at the outcomes, but that is in our way to be successful at the end of the day. 

Yes, Thorsten. And what comes up now, is that we are talking about the Yi Yuan Ti.

A lot of people, are doing Qigong and doing methods, not knowing about this force. of Yi Yuan Ti. So it's very important, it's very good that we talk about Yi Yuan Ti. So people get to know this part of our brain we can use to do with all these things. And let's call them paranormal again, but as we already said, it's not paranormal.

But people who are doing qi neng qi gong, who practice qi neng qi gong, should be aware of the force we have in our, in our brain, in our Yi Yuan Ti. Right. Right. Because even if we do methods in Zhineng Qigong, we can use our Yi Yuan Ti to do the methods on a deeper level, on a more effective level. And then we also use our Yi Yuan Ti to observe in a very clear and stable way of how are we doing the methods?

How is the qi in our body? How is the qi around us? Can we manage with Yi Yuan Ti our, our methods of Zhineng Qigong? And that was also the aim of Dr. Pang. He wanted us to develop our Yi Yuan Ti just to use it in daily life. If we are standing at a traffic light, like that, we are aware of, of, of how we behave, how we feel, how we think, how we do our methods of Zhineng Qigong.

And if we go deeper in the matter, then we can use Yi Yuan Ti to heal people, to heal ourselves, to heal people. It's not just using our Yi Yuan Ti is not just to, to heal and to be paranormal, but we can use it in daily life. 


And that's so beautiful. That's also the three layer theory of Dr. Pang. We have our body, we have our qi and we have our consciousness.

Right. And with our consciousness, we can manage our whole life, our daily life, our relationships, doing Zhineng qigong, doing healings and so on and so on. 

Because the consciousness level is the information level, right? Yes. And the information level is what we are. Kind of, directs and organizes the other two levels.

The, the energy, the q and the form. It's like a, an instruction manual of Ikea. If you have to build up, a chair. The information is the instruction manual, how to do it. So, you know, that is the secret. Without the instructions, you wouldn't know how to organize the, the, the level of substance or the energy level.

So that's why the information is so important and why the information is the key. To, to everything else. And that is the consciousness, right? 

Yes, yes, yes. And people who are not aware of their Yi Yuan Ti will buy something in Ikea, not using the manual, put it together and it's not good. 

Well, your truth is by at IKEA, even with a manual, you are at a high risk of not getting the right result, but that's another story, right?

Yes. All right. Katrin, the next thing that I'd like to explore, is the methods because you said in Qigong, we have certain methods that are focusing on cultivating and sharpening the Yi Yuan Ti. What methods are we using in Qigong? 

We can use sounds. We can use sounds to open the channels, to go to a very deep relaxation, to go to get your mind very pure and clear.

And for instance, you have the sound N. Just N, N, N. It's not even a verb. And doesn't even have a meaning, but it's just the sound is the vibration that works in, in, in places where you use and you can use and in your brain, you can use and in your chest, you can use and in your hips, you can use the, the, the vibration of an everywhere to open spaces to make the energy more subtle, more pure.

N is a very, very good sound to, to, to go to a deep relaxation and to make your space and your mind pure. Or you have Xu, X, X, U, and, and it has a meaning. The meaning of Xu is, it's the vibration, but it's also the meaning, meaning making your Qi more transparent, more refined, more pure. So if you use these sounds, And you can pronounce them with a loud voice or even without voice.

You can whisper the Xu. The more silent you pronounce the sounds, the higher level you reach. The more sound you use, the higher level you reach. The more physical your qi level is. So these sounds are very powerful, the N and the Xu. And you should, you should do them, you should experience yourself, if you say them fast, if you say them slow, if you say them loud, if you say them very silent, if you even only think the sounds.

It's, it's such an interesting exercise to do and 

really what we're talking about, chanting in the broader, in the broader way of things. And we know that chanting is a pillar, in many spiritual practices now, it's not something that just we're doing in Qigong, so, but it's interesting that you say this is not about, you know, chanting it as loud as possible.

It's actually the opposite. Yeah, you can really do it very subtle and to have the same effect. Now, at the same time, my question to you is, this is a great tool to cultivate, cultivate the, but it's not a necessity. So I can cultivate my, my Yi Yuan Ti without ever having chanted these sounds, right? Yes. Yes.

So it's basically a way to help me, get to that state of leaving the frame of reference behind it's, to purify my, my Yi Yuan Ti to get connected with, with my Yi Yuan Ti and then connect to the outside information. So it's like a, it's like a tool I can use to help me get there, but it's not the, the way to get there.

Right. You 

say a very beautiful word, Torsten. You say connected, helps me to connect connection. That's a very beautiful word because you, you, you get in connection with yourself, with your deep self. You get in connection with, with the qi field, with the information of the qi field. You can live and be out of connection with yourself.

You can live and be out of connection with, with the people around you, or you can live in deep connection with yourself. 


And then we speak about the true self. Oh, the true self is also in our Yi Yuan Ti. If you go to a very pure state of Yi Yuan Ti, you meet your true self. 

Absolutely. Because all the clutter is gone, right?

Yes. Yes. So this is the same thing one might say, the true self and having a truly cultivated Yi Yuan Ti is the same thing at the end of the day. Yes. Absolutely. Yes. All right. Well, that was a very interesting conversation. I'm glad we picked this topic, Katrien. And you look like you want us to add something to the conversation 


Yes, I was thinking what else we could add, because there is a lot to say. There is much more to say about Yi Yuan Ti, but what I'm thinking about is what can we, what can we add That is very interesting for all the people who listen to the podcast. If you are doing Zhineng Qigong or not doing Zhineng Qigong, what is so important?

What's, what's, what's the point of our conversation? Is it that if we develop our pure consciousness, if we see through our reference framework that we go to a better life, perhaps that is the clue. Yes. Yes. And it's a lot of theory. There is a lot of methods, but, but the aim is just to, to, to have a better life in daily life to go deeper in your Zhineng Qigong experience, to have better relationships.

I think that's also an important part of this Yi Yuan Ti theory. Dr. Pang also wanted to create an harmonious world, harmonious people, harmonious relationships. And that's. through developing our 

Yi Yuan 


developing our consciousness. 

Absolutely. And it's fascinating how no matter which, which angle we come from, you know, also here at the podcast, we always come to the same conclusions.

At the end of the day, no matter how complex the theories are and how, how, how complex the methods are and all of the things we're talking about, you know, we're talking about the same thing at the end of the day. Right. And this is about, having connecting back with our consciousness to the oneness.

And if we have the oneness, it means we are connected and it means we are, you know, coming from a peaceful state. We are coming from a state of goodwill towards. Others and the rest of the world. And, that is who we really are, but now we are back to the true self. And so it's really not so complex after all, you know, and there are many ways, many angles we can take to get there.

And I think the idea and the concept of the Yi Yuan Ti is, is a, is a great one because, for some people, this might be the path to get there. You know, others might take a completely different road and, either way, it's great because we're talking about the same thing here. 

Hey Torsten, so nice this conversation.

Thank you so much, really. 

I have to thank you, Katrien, it's always a pleasure to talk to you and I'm so glad, you know, you're in my life and you're part of this community. So let me thank you once again for sharing what you have to share and, yeah, I look forward to another episode with you maybe later this year, right?

The pleasure is all mine. Torsten, thank you so 


We trust you enjoyed this conversation and we invite you to subscribe to our podcast so we can stay in touch and notify you of future episodes. We will end today's episode with the eight verses meditation performed by Zhineng Qigong teacher Katrien Hendrickx.

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