Wisdom Qigong Uncovered

The Healing Center XiʼAn - without medicine: Ronit Ardar

Ronit Adar Season 1 Episode 1

Ronit Ardar shares a personal journey of overcoming severe rheumatoid arthritis and Sjorgen syndrome. After trying various alternative treatments without success, she discovered Zhineng Qigong and found healing through dedicated practice. She has traveled to China multiple times for healing retreats and teacher training, embracing Qigong as a way of life. She actively supports the Xian Center and other initiatives, promoting peace and unity in Israel amid conflicts. Ronit also emphasizes the importance of planting seeds of peace for a better future in the region.

Mindfulness Moments

  • Emphasis on individual readiness & intention
  • Enhancing healing through group participation & shared experiences
  • The importance of not denying or holding onto past pain
  • The combination of medicine and holistic practices for healing

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XiAn Center Here: https://www.xianzns.com/

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And they dedicate their lives for it and they don't care because they don't put themselves, you know, I, I never saw a place with as less ego as in Xian Center. I'm sure there is a little bit, but they don't let it pop up and they support each other and they work as a group. And because of that, the miracles that happened, the success of the healing that happens, And the influence that they have on many areas is just unbelievable.

Welcome to this episode of the Zhineng Qigong Community Podcast. Today we have Ronit Adar in conversation with our dedicated host, Torsten Lueddecke. 

Hello everyone. This is Torsten from the Zhineng Qigong Students Hub, bringing you the Zhineng Qigong Community Podcast. Today my very special guest is Ronit Adar, and she is not only a Zhineng Qigong teacher, she is also a Craniosacral Therapist.

And and peace activist if I might may say so she's done a lot in the area of promoting peace She's based in israel And today our focus is going to be the xian center now where she has great contacts with that she's supporting and yeah, that's a little bit about the xian center and because a lot of people have heard the name but not many people know what's actually happening there what this is all about and obviously we are all interested, you know in You healing centers in, in China, as the, original Huaxia Center is no longer around.

So please tell us a little bit about that center. 

Okay. So first of all, thank you for inviting me. It's a great, pleasure for me. I feel honored. So thank you. And I'll be very, very happy to, to tell you about Xian Center because it's a very dear place in my heart. Not only that it helped me heal my arthritis, but also I think, I don't know all the centers in China.

I know a few of them. I've been five times in China, each time for a month long retreat and one time for three months, which included also teacher training. And the Xian Center was the place which I, I like, I liked them all. They were all amazing and all very beneficial. Now I have only good things to say about all these amazing teachers.

But the fact that the Xian Center is a center, and it's not a private teacher, andh, 30, Amazing. Teachers live there together, teach together, heal together. So dedicated to the cause of healing, of bringing healing to, to the world, to every individual. To spreading the Zhineng Qigong science in a way that really touched my heart.

To a degree that if I didn't have a 15 year old daughter in Israel, refuses to live in China, I would, I would find myself living there in, in that center. It's, it's an island. It's not China. It's, it's a, it's a different thing. And I think it's the closest thing we have today. I think, I'm not sure because I don't know all the centers in China, but I think it's the closest we have today to the Huaxia center, to the medicine hospital of Dr.

Pang. Because it works in the same, in the same way that The Huaxia Center used to work and Dr. Pang is in direct and very close contact with them, weekly contact. He gives them, he gives them instructions on the practice, on the healing, on the research they're doing. And, he's influencing the Qi field very much.

So I, I, for, for, since I was there 2019 and I fell in love with the place and, and of course my arthritis almost completely healed there, so I really, really took it on myself to help as much as I can. And, and really my soul is connected to this place. And I also want to add that, financially, Xian Center has never been, in a good situation and Dr.

Pang told them that research is the most important thing. All these experiments of, bending a spoon and, you know, turning the pins into magnets and all that kind of stuff. They're doing research. They're, they're doing, they have a healing center there and they have a, In the research center, and because Dr.

Pang told them it's more important to do the research than the healing. There are quite a few, maybe 10 or teachers that come to work every day doing these experiments with machines, with the computers, producing electricity by the power of the mind and heat and measuring it on computers and everything.

They have a lab there. Yeah. But. They're the, you know, they're the machine, their mind is the machine producing all these miracles and because they don't have the money, they don't get paid for years. They work for free and they dedicate their lives for it and they don't care because they don't put themselves, you know, I, I never saw a place with as less ego as in Xian Center.

I'm sure there is a little bit, but they don't let it pop up and they support each other and they work as a group. And because of that, the, the miracles that happen, the success of the healing that happens and the influence that they have on many areas is just unbelievable. When you go into the Xian Center, you come in, it was in a very, very old building.

Now, they moved when the, during the covid, they moved. But the building was terrible. The conditions were unbearable for Westerners. It was really hard for us to eat the food and it was not clean and hot and there were no air condition. First day I came, I thought I'm going away because I can't deal with all these conditions.

I'm not used to it and I'm not good with it. But after two days, I felt the Qi field and I understood this is my chance to heal. And I fell in love with the place and I really wanted to move to live there. 

So tell us a little bit, you know, what is life there like? What is the day, the typical day look like?

Because most of us know a little bit about Huaxia Center and what the days look like there and how it was structured. But what's it like now in Xi'an? 

So they have, I haven't been in the, in the new building. But I will go in, in July, there is a teacher training that I'm organizing a world, you know, an international teacher training.

It will be in Xi'an. They actually moved to a new place. They, they borrowed money. They put all the money they have to go into a new place and they prepared it really nice. It was during the COVID and they didn't know that the police doesn't allow. And strangers to stay there. So now we are not allowed to sleep in the center.

So we're going to be in the hotel nearby, but we can come for daily practices there. But anyway, there are just, all day long, there are groups that, you can, you can sign up for a healing group. You can come for healing. You can come for a course of level two, a course of straight leg sitting, of standing So, all day long there are classes there and you, you, you sign up and you pay for what you want and all these courses, they go from morning to evening, so if you come to a healing, I know most about the healing because I went to a healing retreat there, but I saw the other groups, yeah?

We had, seven days of, La Qi, La Qi class, which we had the best, there is a specialist teacher that specializes in teaching La Qi. And he was really unbelievable. So we sat all day long, one hour did La Qi, a break, another hour, like that all day long. A bit of theory to, to guide you how to practice.

And by the end of the, I don't remember if it was the first or second week, but at the end of these two weeks, we had five hours La Qi straight or six hours La Qi, sometimes it's eight, which is an amazing experience, which I never thought I could. But after you sit there in the strong ChQiield with all the information and after day by day, you practice, it's amazing.

The depth of the quietness and the openness of your consciousness that you reach, and you can do six hours. And after that we had a one week, course of, which was called disappearing tumors, which is basically La Qi and Chen Qi. Every day you have a session of 20 minutes or 30 minutes or even more la Chen Qi, and the rest is La Qi.

But there is a lot more a theory about how to work with the mind, how to tackle the information of, of. being healed. And it's called disappearing tumors, but they actually say tumors and all negative information. I came with my arthritis. It was just as good for my arthritis. And then the fourth week was called advanced healing.

And so it's again from morning to evening. There were a lot of experiments. We did experiments. To, to really make us understand that as we can change the spoon to be soft and as we can influence the matter and we can see it in our own eyes and doing that you learn in the moment it happens how your mind was.

So you learn a lot when you, the moment you succeed and also the moment you don't succeed, you see all You see all your reference framework coming up and you can really learn a lot. So this was the fourth week. There was a lot of experiments and La Qi and Chen Qi. And at the end, they took all the people who came with the tumors.

They have an ultrasound room like they did in Huaxia Center. The ultrasound technician is a Qigong practitioner. They have a team that specializes in the disappearing tumor, you know, Hua Shan. And then everyone that came at the beginning, at the first day, they went to the hospital.

They had to come with their medical report, but they also took everyone with tumors or stones or cysts or anything that you can measure in ultrasound, they took them to a hospital in China. So it will be measured with the same machine, measured the tumor or the stone or whatever. And then at the end, people who wanted and felt they were ready.

Again, you go and then you do the Hua Shan, there's four teachers who specializes for every course, there are teachers who specialize in that area, and they did the Hua Shan treatment. I came with a friend from Israel, Dina, and she came with three tumors in her breast, in her left breast, and she came back to Israel without them.


incredible, it's an incredible healing story. 

And she saw it happen, they showed her the television, she saw it happen in the ultrasound, but she was practicing three years before, she was really dedicated. It's not she only came for the four weeks and that's it. 

She was 

mentally, the teachers told us, They saw she was ready.

She had the right attitude. She, they saw her transform. Some people it didn't work for them because it was not the time yet. 

I had a conversation today with another Zhineng Qigong teacher, and she's also a medical doctor, Western medical doctor. And she said, you can heal any disease. But you cannot heal every person.

So it's a disease that's healable, but the question is, where is the person at? And, and I think that, you know, ties in, you know, greatly with the success of your friend, who was obviously very ready, you know, for the healing, who was very, with a clear intention. That carry each other through doing all the, all the practice in the years before.

And that's what they picked up. And that's maybe why it works so, why it sounds like a miracle when you hear it. Now I've got a question because, what, what I, from what I understand is that there, that there's mainly Chinese people. going to the center. Is that, is that so? And what does, what's it like for a Westerner?

You know, if you join a Chinese group, now, can you understand them? Is that, do they, do they speak enough English? You know, on a practical note, or does it really not matter because you're in the Qi field and you, you get enough information anyway, that, that creates the beginning. Tell us a little bit about that, please.

So, 2018 or 19, I can't remember, the first, group of Westerners arrived to Xi'an Center. Before that, individuals arrived to Xi'an Center and they just did it in Chinese. The woman who introduced us, Rocio, who, she's from Spain, she was there on her own and she, we knew her from, we, I did a teacher training with the Dao hearts and I knew her from there and she told all the group of the Dao hearts that she found a beautiful place and if we want to go and she made the group.

But I understand that before that, there were people from the West coming individually. So we had this first group and we had a translator because we didn't understand. And I want to emphasize that during the two last weeks in Xian Center in the healing, the theory has a big importance. It's not theory.

It's practice of the mind. It's practice of the consciousness. But they were. giving a lot of time for lectures that really helped us know what to do and get the motivation to do it. And it was, it's a really important part. So on one hand, after that, I came twice or three times to Shan after, and in between people just stay there.

You know, I had a friend from Israel. She came with me. She said, I'm not going back until I'm healed. So she stayed on her own with all these Chinese. She didn't understand the word and she had the time of her life. She said she didn't need the words. And she, the qi field was healing her, and then I came after three months, she was still there.

So, I know people come, even if they don't have Chinese, and there are three teachers there who speak English. And if a Westerner comes, they usually will be helped by these teachers. And so we have three teachers and now more teachers, about five. Two have less good English, but three of them, since the COVID, after I came back from there, I was so excited and I so much wanted to help them.

And they told me the COVID will kill us. We'll have to close. So we started all these Zoom onlines with Xian Center. So they learned a lot of English and now they're pretty good. So there are English speaker speaking people there. You just need to check that they're not away in retreats in Europe and America.

So now there is a healing retreat in April that I'm not organizing, but there is a healing retreat in Xian for people who need healing. For me, out of all the healing places that I've heard of, if a person is really in trouble and really needs healing, Xian Center is the place to go, because, because the Qi field is so strong, and there's so many teachers, and they're loving and caring.

They went to our rooms every other, you know, three or four days, and a teacher knocking on the door to make sure we're okay, checking how we are. They're love for every person. The first Western group was so shocked from the conditions. They were full of complaints, people almost dying. This is their chance to heal.

And they didn't stop complaining about the food, about the room, about this, about that. And the Chinese, they don't know these things. They were, they were shocked. They don't, the Chinese just don't do these kinds of things. And even all these complaints. They love us anyway, fully, really unconditionally.

It's something I never experienced before. So people can come, but now because of this problem of that you don't, you're not allowed to sleep in the center. So, you need to sleep in a hotel nearby. It's less nice if you're on your own. Right. But, but if someone is, is really wanting to heal and is willing to travel each day, there are hotels very close by.

It's in Xi'an center, very close to the terracotta touristic place. It's a very beautiful, tourist site. So there are hotels that are close, but it's not living in the center itself. So you have to take it into consideration if you're up to it, if you're coming on your own. Yeah. But there are 

absolutely and I'm sure, you know, if there's a possibility to join a group and to join one of the courses, then it might be even better.

Even a better idea, because you could obviously. Yeah, you could share your experiences with others, from the West. So we bring both cultures together, but again, I wouldn't discourage anyone to wait because often when you have a serious disease, time is of the essence. So, it's not about the mechanics.

You can totally go there and just indulge in the Qi fields and do what you need to do. You don't necessarily need a group of the west, although it might be supportive, you know, or, or, or people might feel it. You know, even maybe it's a little easier also because you're not, you're not on your own in the situation, right?


and also the energy of the group. It's very, very strong when you come as a group, very strong. But I agree with you. I agree. I want to say one more thing about healing. And I think this is the most, important because some of the people went to Xian Center and in the disappearing tumor event of the Hua Shan, their, their, tumor got smaller and they were amazed and they went and checked it and they went back and it was for real.

But for some of them, not for all, Dina is still, touch wood, she's perfect. She really got it. Yeah. But for some of them, it came back and they emphasized there that it's not enough to do the Hua Shan. It's not enough just to practice La Qi many hours. It has to be that the information that created the disease is transformed.

This, I think this for us in the West, this is the tricky part to get. And because it's not only It's not only saying or seeing yourself, seeing all the cells healthy and your body healthy. If you only say that, but you keep inside your fears, your despair, your anger, your frustration, you're trying to control things.

Your a a judgment, you know, I hate this. I don't like this. I, I, I, I want this food and not this food. I, you know, this political party, this, you know, if you, it doesn't work. So this is why I told you the theory there was very important, because it wasn't theory. It was talking to us about how the emotions influence the body and how to work with that and how to, and they give you a paper.

With sentences that Dr. Punk said, one of them is even if somebody hurt you badly, don't be resentful. Don't keep the resentment. Only see the good in him. And it's not that we have to be nice and spiritual. It's not about that. It's only because this anger or this resentment is making your body ill. You can be totally just right.

Maybe something really unfair happened to you. Even a terrorist coming and raping and killing, you know, my best friend. If I hate someone, doesn't matter how bad it is, this hate is working on my body, preventing me

My name is Leilah Cupido and I'm the project manager of the Students Hub. Our team is constantly adding events, teachers, videos, and other resources to take your practice to the next level. Improving the quality of your life and the life of the people around you. We do this work for you, so please use it, Hunyuan Lingtong.

I think that is, that is an, a very important, point that the, that you are making on that sentence making, because we have a lot of examples where people go to retreats or they are with masters and they are healed. They relapse. And the reason they relapse is because the underlying cause has not disappeared.

So it's one thing to, you know, to, we've all be, I mean, most of the business here are genetical practitioners. So they know about the power and how we can transform things, you know, with the power of our consciousness. But, but the relapsing will happen if the fundamental cause isn't cleared. And so, so when you say.

This is something that needs to be addressed. How do they exactly address this? Do they have any, any, any technique, any, any way of doing things or teaching things that would help us in the West to understand that and to make not only the symptoms disappear, but also the underlying root cause disappear.

I want to say something before I answer you how they do it. Also this question of the cause, often in regular psychology, we look for a cause. It's to say, you know, it's used to, used to say that, cancer is connected to anger. And then, you know, you understand that you were really, you were really, really hurt or you're traumatized and then the anger stayed and developed cancer.

But it went, it goes way beyond that. It takes time for me. It took years to understand that only now with this terrible war we have in, I mean, Every year I think, Oh, I got another problem. Part of the puzzle and I'm healing more and I healing more and now on the 7th of October when this Disaster happened to the world and to Israel it helped me understand even more That even if we have a cause and this is really that the turning point where the disease started it not only created a Disease because of that and that and that happened but it created a whole set of reference framework So we don't trust life We don't trust the world.

We don't trust ourselves. We made, we made ourselves separate from the world or from life, you know. I heard one teacher say, there is no you living life. You are life. And for me, I've been repeating this sentence to my students almost every lesson, really wanted, wanting to understand it myself. Because, and then I understood.

That I cannot see the body healed and in harmony and have unharmonized thoughts about my teenage daughter which is driving me crazy and my brother and sister that I don't get along with because I think they're unfair with me and with my, you know, with my youth. Prime Minister Bibi that I can hang him on the street, you know, because they can't bear what he's doing to etc, etc, etc.

If this is what my mind is having all day long, even though I know my arthritis is because an abuse that my mother had and it came to me and I found all the reason, still if I'm having all these, all this information during all the day, I cannot send information only at between two to three when I'm practicing Qigong and I want to heal and I'm sending the best information and when I finish practicing, I go back to quarreling with my husband or with my daughter or it doesn't work.

We need to change radically, to really change, not just to say from the mouth out. We need to walk the talk. And to do that is to, you know, we have about 80, 000 thoughts a day in average, every person, and 80 percent of them are negative. So this is the information we're feeding our body with, and it's influencing our cells.

And then we practice and we say, all the cells are happy, all the cells, it doesn't work. So this war made me, it enforced me to really understand I have to change my everyday life and I have to, now my practices, my daily practice is sending information every time I think a thought, which is innocent. Just my daughter is nagging me and I yell at her, not in a nice way that I know I shouldn't, but I can't help it, you know?

I just see our relationship harmonious and loving and we talk nicely to each other, but every second of my 24 hours I do it. 

So what you're, what you're suggesting here is to take things further than just looking at, Oh, this is the one cause for this particular illness. For example, there was a trauma in my childhood.

If I deal with the trauma, then my illness will disappear. What you're saying is it is about the whole person. It's about the whole ways of being. It's a hundred percent of who you are that you need to observe carefully and where you need to make sure that, yeah, that your mindset is in what we might call the Qigong state or, state of, of, of perfect harmony and of positivity and, because it is now, it, it is otherwise a toxic environment.

And even if I have resolved this one, cause if the environment stays toxic. You know, I'm surely creating more problems, right? 

Yeah, I would phrase it a bit different. I think the trauma we had made us,uh, have this reference framework. I think it's still part of the cause, because if we weren't hurt like that, we would not lose hope.

We would not be afraid. We would not be The old survival mode. I would not talk to my daughter like that. I think it's the cause, but the cause not only it's not enough to say the cause made it illness, you have to understand what your illness is, your illness. It's not that my fingers are awkward and they're painful.

Now they're not painful, but you know, but they were very, very painful. Yeah. It's not that the symptom is that every second of my life, instead of thinking, what a beautiful world, what a wonderful person, instead of realizing my true self. I'm denying it. I'm in paranoia of the world that it will hurt me, that I have to defend myself, that it's not good enough, that it can't happen, that I lost trust, that, you know, the West is, humanity is losing itself.

And it's true, but humanity is losing itself because of these reasons that everyone is traumatized and everyone is acting like this. And this is, So, I think this is the cause, but it's much greater than what we're used to thinking. If we were, if we were, if we had a trauma, if somebody mistreated us and really hurt us.

Then we decided things about the world. We, we set our reference framework in a way that is limiting us and making us ill. So this is the cause.

So just because I'm trying to repeat with my own words, let me correct and let me see whether I've got this, right now is what you were saying is this cause that might have created the original, you know, illness and disease that I was trying to, resolve. This cause has kind of infected all ways of my being.

So, and that is why I'm having a reference framework while I see the world in a certain way. If that framework does not change. Then it will, you know, again, create problems and again, create issues for me and bring me back into a state of disease. Is that better expressed now from my side? Yes, 

yes, yes, definitely, definitely.

It's it's a, it's definitely that. And it's no, I have another point coming up, 

please share what 

we do go there or not. Because in the West, in the psychology point of view. We have a story of, of our past, which is, which we, identify as the cause. I can tell you mine. I was, my mother is Moroccan. You know, my grandmother was married when she was 13.

And she, no, she was married when she was 11. She had her first child when she was 13. You know, I come from a family that now you read on in the newspapers. And there was a lot of, abuse, sexual abuse between men in the family and the, and the kids and the daughters. And my mom was sexually abused. And she never overcame it and it, it just transferred to me, you know, because she didn't talk about it and she didn't do anything.

So I felt it happened to me and I, I carried on and this is my, I, and I found out that this is my arthritis. Yeah. It's a family thing going on and I need to break the chain. So this, this is a story. It really happened. It's really because of that. It's terrible. But you know, my mother, she was 12 when it happened.

And she carried that stuff, that bag on her, and she suffered it not, not only when she was 12, but until she was 86 and passed away last year. So what Zinenshi Kong is trying to tell us, first, you know the story, but then you, you don't deny it. You don't push it away, but you don't keep holding it. You be with it.

And we will teach you how to take, make space between you and the story. Don't go in the details. Once you know it, if you didn't know it, it's good to know it. And actually when I was healing my arthritis, I was, it was so painful that each day in the retreat, one retreat, I couldn't sleep, all my joints were hurting 24 hours.

I couldn't walk from the hall to the, my, my room. It was a nightmare for months. I was in total pain. Nothing helped. All the medicine gave me side effects, all the alternative things didn't work. I'm a craniosacral therapist, I'm a physiotherapist, I'm that, I'm that, nothing helped. So, the teacher told me, just stay in.

I was working with Ming Tong at the beginning, he lives in the States. He tell me, stay in one place that is painful, just be with the pain. Make space for me and do nothing. It's like if you know doing link the do nothing meditation of teacher loop I like it a lot. I use it a lot. So then when I stayed every night, I couldn't sleep When I got the courage to stay with the pain and I stopped being afraid of it, and I could be quiet inside the pain, I told myself I spent so much money going to the retreat.

I took money from my father. I left my, eight years old daughter a month on her own because I couldn't function. And I said, I'm not coming back to Israel until I'm healed. So I was very seriously practicing, practicing. And each time, suddenly all these, uh. information came up about my past. It just came up.

So I actually understood all this story just from being with a quiet, stable, empty mind inside the pain, with a penetrating power of the mind that we're learning how to use in cilantro. So what you need to know will come up. You don't need to Think about it, but once you know it, then it's time to, how do you let go, how do you free yourself from the story?

How can you live now, not what happened to you when you were 12? So they really teach you in Xian Center. They teach you this. Also other teachers teach it in a very beautiful way. I'm also very, very much connected to teacher Jianshe. I organized this thing, I'm going in two weeks to visit him in Hainan with a group from Israel.

So. I like him a lot and he has a big connection to Xi'an Center. So they all have different methods. Different Zhineng Qigong teachers talk about the same thing. Teacher Wei talks about the mingjue. In Xi'an they talk about the true self and the Yi Yuan Ti. But they all mean the same. They teach you how to stabilize your mind, empty it, and face the truth.

Thoughts, emotions, body feelings, but just be stable. Let them, let them come up, be present with them, but don't identify, make a space between you and them. And then you start noticing you are you and the feeling is the feeling. You are not your feeling and we have such a hard time not identifying with our pains and feelings and stories.

So only when you take that gap. You understand who you are. We're all amazing, magnificent, smart, wise human beings. All of us, we're all Jianshe and Lu and Lin, we're all of us are like that. And we just deny it. So for me, my journey with Xian Center and with Jianshe and with Lu and Lin, they helped me realize it.

Every year, a bit more and probably next year, I will say more, but this, this was my turning point in my healing. Because before I, I could practice, I practice a lot. I was teaching before 25 years Tai Chi, and I loved it until I got the arthritis when I was 50. I'm now 59. And then I couldn't do Tai Chi and nothing helped.

And I, someone brought me to Ong and I knew this was my chance to heal. So when I. After being really, really scared and frustrated and wanting to die and with losing hope, one day I woke up and I said, I don't care. I can't be afraid anymore. I can't be despair anymore. I am going to heal point. Don't matter how long will it take.

I don't matter. It doesn't matter how I am going to heal point. That's it. And I was serious then after two years that I suffered and went the wrong way, even practicing three hours a day. That was the thing that made the trend. 

I think that is a, please. 

I just say one more thing. It's like, Teacher Jian, she talks about it a lot, and also the, the Xian Center, they emphasize, they emphasize when they say, you know, when they give you this paper with all their sentences of how to behave, or how to go about your emotions and, and, and ways of, Like moral ways.

The Dao de, this is what they want to teach you. And also and all the teachers, they tell you, you don't bother with the way, because you'll get lost in the way you, it's like the ways like, Google Maps, you put the, the target where you want to go. I don't know how to say it in English, but the, 

the destination.

Destination, the destination. You don't deal with, the universe will bring you there. If your destination is clear, the universe will bring you there. But if you say, I am healing now, and then you go to sleep, and you're afraid that it won't work, and it doesn't, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, and how can it happen, and no, maybe I'll just take this medicine, and that means you're not positive.

And I'm not telling people not to take medicine. Because you have to have enough trust to let go of the medicine. If you're on the way, you can do both. You can take medicine and, and then build your trust and then take down the medicine gradually and, and do it, you know, you don't leave yourself without nothing, not with full trust and not with medicine, that's not good, but you have to be like serious and no matter what, whatever it takes, if you have this kind information.

And if you're consistent, if you have the consistency and really whatever it takes, and you're not afraid if suddenly it's a bit more painful or the blood tests are less good, or if you don't let these things change your information backwards. I 

think that is a very powerful sharing of your experiences, Ruth, and I thank you for that.

And, and I know we started with, with Xian Center and we took it all the way into your own personal experiences and sharing your wisdom. So that was a wonderful. Thank you for that. And I'm sure, you know, given all the knowledge and, The expertise you have in Zhineng Qigong and life experience also, and the wisdom you've developed.

There will be plenty of opportunities maybe for a second invite, so that we can continue to talk about what you can share with the community here. So thank you very much for this conversation and it was really a pleasure to have you on the show and I'll hope to hear much, much more from you. And when you go to Yi Yuan Ti next, next month with the group, you're set, give them all my love.

Next Sunday, we're going. 

I just saw a picture from a photo from the center, everybody having a dinner there, and I can see that Bayer has, excelled his cooking skills. It looks so fantastic what they are offering that weekdays. So I'm sure you're going to enjoy. Okay. Thank you very much. 

so much. Thank you so much for inviting me.

I really, it was really a pleasure. 

We trust you enjoyed this conversation and we invite you to subscribe to our podcast so we can stay in touch and notify you of future episodes. We will end today's episode with the Eight Verses Meditation performed by Qigong teacher Katrien Hendrickx. Enjoy.

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