Wisdom Qigong Uncovered

Qigong Beyond Healing: Unveiling Consciousness: Federico Anguiano

Federico Anguiano Season 1 Episode 7

Having healed himself from an incurable disease like multiple sclerosis, Federico used Zhineng Qigong to go beyond conventional healing. In this podcast, he explores the profound consciousness, the YiYuan Ti, and the information substance within us all. Having practiced Zhineng Qigong daily for hours and even years on end, he enlightens us with the jist of what we can achieve with awareness. With the idea that consciousness is a reality, he unveils the seeds of thought planted by Dr. Pang Ming himself and dives into universal oneness. Join us in this enlightening episode with experienced teacher and somatic trauma counsellor Federico Anguiano, discovering the essence of Qigong theory, the transformative power of group practice, and the limitless potential of consciousness in self-realisation and ultimately health. Listen to the full podcast to discover humanity's greatest need. 

Mindful Moments

  • The true nature of consciousness (YiYuan Ti), changing the information level of Qi
  • What causes disease in Zhineng Qigong, and using Zhineng Qigong to heal an incurable disease
  • Balance within the middle dantian, the role of emotions in health
  • How Dr. Pang Ming created Zhineng Qigong theory and practice as one
  • The power of group practice in amplifying the Qi field 
  • Developing the confidence to heal
  • Different levels of healing in Zhineng Qigong (Physical, Qi and Information) and healing the consciousness, beyond the physical illness 
  • Practicing Zhineng Qigong methods connects us to a universal consciousness
  • Using the consciousness to practice Zhineng Qigong
  • The great knowledge of Dr. Pang Ming 

Links & Resources

Meet Federico Anguiano

Federico's Site:

Learn About Dr Pang Ming and the Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Center:

Use these Zhineng Qigong Methods to practice consciousness:

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Welcome to the Zhineng QIGONG COMMUNITY PODCAST WISDOM QIGONG UNCOVERED My name is Torsten Lueddecke and this is today's story

For many of us, the benefits of Zhineng QIGONG are those of healing. And even though my guest today, Federico Anguiano, healed himself from MS Multiple sclerosis, a disease where western medicine knows no cure. For him this was not enough. He has gone further, taking zhineng qi gong beyond healing and into the realm of consciousness.

Few people have studied Dr. Pang in depth like Federico. Let's hear what he has to share. Today, my guest is Federico Anguiano, and Federico is, and is a very experienced Qigong teacher and also a somatic trauma counselor. And we are tackling, tackling, you know, an issue today that is close to his heart, and that is going beyond healing.

So, what does that mean for you, Federico? You said 

that Qigong can be more, 

can be more than just, you know, healing your illnesses. 

Yes, I would like to clarify that, you know, as individual entities like persons, my experience is that it is correct that what our actual true nature is, is consciousness, intelligence, which is includes the person, includes the being, the personality, all of that.

But so this is an important distinction because healing does not need to take place at the level of intelligence. It takes place at the level of where. The body and the mind, are interacting with each other. So the qi and the consciousness are confused. And this is what, in the theory of Zhineng qi gong, this is what causes disease.

The cause of disease in Zhineng Qigong is simply, there is a lack of equilibrium between consciousness, kun, the spirit, qi, and the body, where they meet. They are out of order. Zhineng Qigong incorporates classical Chinese medicine. Beyond, you know, acupuncture or herbs, the main theory that classical Chinese medicine is a spiritual approach to healing.

So, the foundation of Zhineng Qigong is What causes disease? The human being is the meeting of heaven and earth. They need to meet yang chi coming in from the heavens, yin chi coming in from the earth. They need to meet. When this meeting is not according to the laws of nature, then we have disease. And this disease means that yang chi is not descending enough and yin chi is ending too much.

So they need to meet in the middle. And in the middle, In Zhineng Qigong theory is the Middle Dantian, the Middle Dantian. The Middle Dantian, for those of us who have practiced methods that connect to the Middle Dantian, like the Five Hunyuan Method, you can understand that the origin of disease in our experience is And in balance of our emotions, usually the emotion of, fear, fear and fear causes all kinds of, causes grief, causes hatred, causes, and all the organ systems become imbalanced.

And then. We have disease, different disease symptoms.

Before we move on to, you know, taking it beyond, , healing. I would love to have, you know, because you have a very personal story as well, where you use Zhineng, Qi Gong and the wisdom of Zhineng, Qi Gong. To create healing for yourself. Maybe we can start with that because a lot of people that come to Qigong are not so much coming there, you know, for the, for the consciousness and the wisdom, they come for concrete healing.

So let's start with that and then branch out to what you, why you think Qigong can be more. 

All right. Thank you. So when I discovered Qigong, I was sharing with you before, I was terribly sick. I was, been diagnosed with brain cancer. It turned out to be incorrect. In a way, it was a worse disease, multiple sclerosis, that has no cure.

So, excuse me, so, I didn't know what to do. I was lost. I was very afraid. I was, you can imagine, I don't know, anyone who has experienced any serious illness and been given that diagnosis knows how it feels to experience that. So, it just so happened that at that time, I was going to this cancer center.

And here where I live, in Southern California, and there happened to be a Qigong teacher from Huaxia Center giving a demonstration. And so the people there said, oh yeah, come, we are going to do this, and I went there. And, so there was this fellow there doing some kind of chanting and some movement and some kind of meditation.

And, even though I was so disturbed with my illness and then I could, I could hear in my own, you could say, mind or consciousness. Oh, I will follow this. I didn't, it was not a choice like to say, Oh yeah, this is thinking about it. I just, I just knew. So. So I followed that from there. Eventually, I went to China to study and become a teacher.

And, I kept, you know, I came back, I went to different parts. I went to New Zealand. I went different places in the world to study with different teachers. And, but the main thing is I learned how to practice correctly. So I was always drawn to how in Zhineng Qigong, Dr. Pang created it so that the theory and the practice are one.

So the theory talking about how Qigong works, why it works, what it does, It's just as effective to listen to it, to read about it, just as effective as practicing. And this is my experience. If someone is truly touched by the potential, the information, the essence of Zhineng Qigong, and you really want to follow it, then your success is guaranteed.

It's guaranteed. All you have to do is just actually follow how it is meant to be practiced. So, of course, I was very concerned. I always had setbacks. I became afraid. Maybe this doesn't work. You know, years went by. Oh, I am not better. But I just, Somehow I have a, I think maybe everybody, everyone has this capacity to become obedient to something that, you know, maybe is more clear, more

intelligent than you. And so I did. And so I just practiced all, I practiced the methods according to the best of my ability, finding the best teachers that knew what they were talking about. Okay, I will do this. And I would practice for sometimes for eight hours a day. Just the same way as the people who recovered in Hua Xia, that's what they were doing.

Oh, they were doing that, they got better. I won't do the same. I didn't, I, I knew I didn't have the benefit of being in such an environment with, surrounded by people that were doing it all the time. I could only enjoy that when there were some kind of retreat or a class. And this is something you mentioned before, which I really, I would amplify it now is that Zhineng Qi Gong is not meant to be by its design is not meant to be practiced solo individually.

It is meant to be practiced together in the group, because that is where the Qi field becomes more powerful. The Qi field is you form a Chi field by changing the information in your body, mind. To become more open, become more open to, yes, I can heal this. I will practice this. I will experience this, and this will result in healing.

So when we get together, because it's not really a mind, it's really consciousness. Actually, that is the secret of Zhineng Qigong is consciousness guiding. Dr. Pang speaks. The essence of Zhineng Qi Gong is to uncover one's spirit. To do that, you have to learn to use your mind consciously. So that implies that your mind is not exactly the same as consciousness.

It is a tool of consciousness. And when we get together and create a strong qi field, with the right attitude, the right reverence, because it's about reverence, really, then healing is guaranteed. But you need to see, the, the, the group is what amplifies consciousness. Peace. This is the main thing when we try it by ourselves individually.

I, this is obviously from experience. It is very good because you are verifying the information for yourself, but you need to get together with others who have a similar intent, and then you can help each other, you know, we can help each other to create a much stronger chief field, and then it can seem like it is a miracle, the things that can happen.


you didn't have the possibility or the opportunity to practice in a group and yet you managed to heal yourself. Is that correct? 

Well, I did, I mean, I did practice a lot in groups, especially in China and I went to different healing retreats in New Zealand and Europe. So then I got, I kind of like, it's almost like when you soak a piece of paper in a, in a tea.

or coffee or a cookie, you know, it gets soaked and then you take it and you eat it. It's very delicious. So you, we need to have the experience of the group to, discover that the Qi field is real, that the healing effect of the Qi field is real. It's true. It is not imaginary. You're not making it up with your mind.

And so then with this group practice, then that is when the individual practice can be effective. So yes, I did have a lot of experience with group practice, incredible experiences. And then, but the, let's call it the, the, the, the day to day of Zhineng Qigong practice is you're usually going to be by yourself.

You're going to be learning from the group experience. You're going to remember it. You're going to say, Oh, this is what work. I will. I like to do this. I like to practice. Lift Qi up. I like to practice. I like to practice whatever it is that you enjoy when you practice it and you, you gain a different level of different capacity to practice and guide your mind.

And that is what is healing. And then you, you develop.

It is not belief, you develop confidence, confidence. Oh, I can heal. I was feeling very bad. Then I'm practicing this and somehow my disease is gone. I don't feel like I'm sick anymore. Maybe later your disease, the experience comes back. Oh, I feel sick again. But then you keep doing it. I have to emphasize, this is at least my experience.

I practice daily for almost 10 years, 10 years. So. I imagine that if I had been in Foshan, maybe I would have, in two years, I would have achieved what I experienced in ten years. 


So this is a very big distinction, you know, because we cannot have Foshan anymore. I know that there are several teachers who have tried in the past to create their own experience of a center so that people will come and experience this group healing.

So this is very good. It cannot, it is not sustainable unless you have a community where you live in living there forever. But But at least there is the opportunity to replicate some of the aspects of a question. 

Now let's just wrap up your personal healing story. If I understand correctly, you're totally healed yourself from multiple sclerosis.

Is that correct? That diagnosis went away? Or what is your situation, these days? 

Yes. So, I haven't gone to the doctor in years now, but I believe that I meet the requirements as they were set at Huaxia. If somebody had cancer or some disease after they left Huaxia and they had been healed. Seven years, no symptoms, no recurrence, no nothing.

So this is my experience. I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2006. Now it is 18 years later. I have not had any experience of what they call MS because it's just a name, you know, it is information. It's important to get to that also that the name of a disease is just information. This is the key to healing, actually.

So, it's been many, many years. Of course, my body still maybe gets, sick. Like if I fall, I break a leg, then I will get sick. Or if I eat something that is not good for my body, I will get sick. That is, that happens to anyone. But my experience with disease is like, you know, what is that? I have never felt better in my life than in my body.

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now given, you know what you have achieved and what you know, Serious diseases you've overcome here Most people would get very enthusiastic and focus on the healing properties of qi neng qi gong Yet you you know when we started speaking before I actually pressed the recording button You said that qi neng qi gong is more we can go beyond the healing.

So let's dive into this now What do you mean by that? 

Yes. Well, as you probably know, healing can mean many different things. There are many different levels or layers of healing. Even Zhine Yong Qigong, there is a, you know, for people who are interested, they can discover in the book called The Essence of Zhineng Qigong by Dr.

Pang. I think there's a translation. They speak about the different levels of healing. It's, it's too long to go into it, but you can heal your body. And you can heal it temporarily, let's say for a year or two, then that's one level, you heal it permanently from the condition, that's the second level, then you realize, Oh, I am actually consciousness.

I am not my body. That is another level. And there is more. The original design of Zhineng Qigong was there are six methods. We only know three. So Dr. Pang said, the reason why I will not show you the other three methods is because humanity is not ready for the other methods. Humanity is still believing that they are a body, that you're, you're just a, I'm just an animal.

You're an animal. This is incorrect. So healing ultimately, in my experience, has, what it has meant is, to understand that our nature is consciousness. So healing means to be whole, right? To be whole. That's what healing means. So it means in a way to be impartial. Impartial means that I have no preference.

Nothing is not like, Oh, Oh, it is raining. Oh, it is sunny. Oh, she doesn't like me. Oh, she liked me. I don't care. It doesn't mean that I don't, I don't have a, I'm not, you know, open, to enjoyment and joy. It's very much actually about being alive. But it's like, this is not going to happen. I'm not going to get that.

I would have liked to have it, but I'm not going to be creating a negative experience that will disturb my physical health because physical health is just a reflection of the encounter of yang chi and yin chi. They need to be together. So if I have a big reaction, if I get angry, then something in my liver or gallbladder will be off balance.

And that's going to affect my lungs. You know, grief will happen. So attachment. Attachment to an outcome. Now, I'm just making this reference to Buddhism because Zhineng Qigong is an integration of different kinds of Buddhism, including Tibetan Buddhism, and Taoism and Confucianism. That is what Zhineng Qigong is made of, actually, and integrating all the traditional Qi Gongs into one.

The one system. Dr. Pang knew it. He was not a person, he is not a person that likes to show off about anything, but he did hint. You know, Zhineng Qigong is on the same level as any of the classical traditions of the world. It is, in my experience. 

On a practical note, I mean, what do you do? How do you practice?

Or what is your path to go beyond healing and go on this consciousness level? 

So healing never ends, because as long as our body and mind are interacting, there's an interaction of yang qi and jing qi, they are interacting. So I can discover a new situation, maybe, let's say somebody from my family. is doing something I don't like.

Maybe that will cover I have a reaction. I don't like it. I hate them or whatever. And so then I will be shown, Oh, there's an opportunity for healing. You see, so healing never ends. But the fundamental, I would say the fundamental aim of any sending to go and practitioner potentially could be beyond healing their physical illness to heal their consciousness, their body, mind experience of consciousness to know, Oh, actually, I don't need to worry or be afraid.

Or be anxious about anything. Why? Because I am one with everything because everything is I, I am, I am Torsten, Torsten is I. There's no distinction. We are the same. The, to experience this in one's heart. You know, we can be open to each other in this way, potentially. And as I share this with you, you have your own experience of what that might mean.

What, how would it be if actually there is no you and there is no me. There is just intelligence. You know, intelligence experienced from a different perspective. There's the perspective of personal Torsten, the experience of personal Federico, they have consciousness is experiencing the world through that individual, through this individual, that is the one consciousness.

So that, I would say that is, that is the ultimate aspiration of Zhineng Qigong practice. That is the, in that, that level of healing. will make sure that the healing at the level of the body will remain. That's what, that's, that's why there's the test incident to go. Oh, I thought she had cancer or whatever, terrible illness for all these years, but she practiced, she healed.

And after seven years, after leaving, she's still good. That means that the level of consciousness has reached a new level. You see, it is similar to, I mean, everybody, everyone will be different, but it is similar to What I was just saying. Oh, I am, that is the whole aim of classical Chinese culture. Man and nature are one.

Man and nature are one. That is, that is the foundation of Zhineng Qigong. And if I am one, that means that there is nothing that is not I. Therefore, I do not need to be afraid. Oh, I have a symptom. Oh, I have a this, whatever. Oh, no worries. It is who I am. And then, because it is who I am, I can bring it to another form of describing it, Torsten, which is, the experience of consciousness is to perceive.

We perceive. I can perceive the experience of the body of Torsten. I can perceive the outside of this body here, the place. I can see, listen, smell, taste, whatever. These are perceptual objects. And, if any of them is troubling me, all I need to do is to investigate. Oh, I don't like it is raining. Then I can see who is not liking that it is raining.

Then that one who doesn't like that it is raining, does it know that I know that it is there? Does it know that I know that it is there? Then we ask this question. It is question, consciousness asking itself. Oh, it is raining. Someone, me, in my body doesn't like it. And then that one is knowing that I know that it is there.

I'll put it in a simple way. Right now, Torsten, are you aware that I'm aware that you exist? Are you in your heart, in your body, not in your mind, in your experience? Are you aware?

I'm definitely aware in my, in my mind, but you've got a point there. I mean, this is just, yeah, an intellectual exercise for me at the, at the moment. Now, And that is where, you know, the growth path would probably be, right? To have this awareness, not through the mind, right? 

So, I don't, you know, it is up to you how you want to conduct it, you know, but I'm offering, this is how I'm trying to communicate zhineng qi gong in a way that does not even mention qi gong.

Because people are very confused. What it is they are afraid, you know, Oh, no, there's something so it's taken me a long time to come up with this insight to be one means that, for instance, you, you could ask me, Hey, Federico, are you aware that I'm aware that you exist? If you ask me that, when I asked that right now, I'm pretending that you're asking me.

And then what that means is that in my heart, Not in my mind, in my heart, I can receive your question, I can see, wow, he is really me. He is really I, and we are one. You know, we are one. It is to dis to dissolve the subject object perspective. It's to make it one. We are one. So, Zhineng Qigong is about opening one's heart, actually.

You have to open your heart. But not in any sentimental way, not in any romantic way. In the very clear, intelligent way, I am consciousness. You also are consciousness. We are one. To let that in our body, mind, and you know, the, the, the connection between heaven and earth can go into the heart. I am one with you.

I don't know if what I'm saying makes any sense to you in your experience, but I'm, I'm doing my best to try to communicate, the, the possibilities of Zhineng Qigong are endless.

The foundation for that is our discovery, the realization that my reality is consciousness. That does not mean that I need to re understand this to benefit from Zhineng Qigong. No, because if anybody actually practices it according to the directions how it was written by a qualified teacher, You can heal any disease.

You can have a new level of happiness that was absent from life. And maybe not everybody wants to or is interested in actually, receiving this information in this one. But, You know, Oh, I, I had some terrible illness, or let's say someone I knew had like a terrible back pain for decades, they were getting operations and all that, they healed it.

How did they do it? They practice wall squatting for six or seven years. That's it. And then it's gone. And then they are not interested in consciousness. They are not interested in anything like that. But their disease is gone. You see? How? Well, practicing Zhineng Qigong. 

Now, would you say, Federico, because, yeah, what you're talking about is, is, For a lot of people, me included, not so easy to grasp, to grasp fully.

You know, I, I might have an understanding intellectually, but to fully grasp it is quite something. And, and, at the same time, you know, you were, you were explaining how Dr. Pang has developed various levels. And he's only taken us as his students, you know, so far to level three, basically. Yet there's so much wisdom, you know, in, in what he has done, what he has developed is, my question is really, is there an implicit A learning experience.

Just when I practice the exercises, so just by doing the lift qi up, because I can see a lot of people that just by practicing, you know, their set of happiness is, it rises up so that that cannot just be because I do movements. So there must be something already, you know, that. That is evoked, that it takes me to the stage that you're talking about or towards that stage without me even knowing it, without even, you know, realizing what I'm, what I'm doing.

Is that fair to say, or I'm on the wrong track? I 

really appreciate your question. When you were saying it, I was having a, I was, I'm recalling. The exact same experience that you are sharing. This is the incredible beauty in the design of Zhineng Qigong. It is a masterpiece. Dr. Pang created all the levels and he put his consciousness, it's just, it's not his, it's just universal consciousness.

It's not personal into each method, each practice. So what that means is that whoever is accessing the practice information of Zhineng Qigong is connected to consciousness. While you are doing it, you're practicing the method correctly, with the correct attitude. Establishing a strong Qi field and the design of Zhineng Qigong, no matter which method you practice, it doesn't matter which one you can be doing.

Chen Qi, wall squats, pushing the mountains, Dantian breathing, doesn't matter. You can be doing that. And the information of Zhineng Qigong, which is, I am consciousness is going to be, that is it, no matter what you practice, the information is, I am consciousness. This is the incredible genius and mastery of the design of Zhineng Qigong.

Not everybody will relate to it. You know, in the same way. And it doesn't matter while they can be like, Oh, I will practice this for the rest of my life. That is fine. There is a progression in the methods of Zhineng Qigong. It is very clearly established in the document that Dr. Pang wrote called nine aspects of Zhineng Qigong nine aspects of Zhineng Qigong.

You know, it's simple. It's three, four pages, but in that document, he makes it very clear. All the methods in Zhineng Qigong, they progress from standing, moving to sitting methods. So basically, the ultimate practice of Zhineng Qi Gong is sitting meditation. In sitting meditation, you can use the activities of consciousness to guide the movement of energy through the channels and collaterals in a way that does not require movement.

For instance, you can, anybody, you, me, anyone, can sit and practice La Qi, open, close, with their mind. You don't need to move your hands. You can practice, Lift Qi up Pour qi down with your mind. So, that is one level. There is another level beyond that, which is a dynamic, spontaneous Qi Gong. You're sitting, and you're simply opening your consciousness to the openness, the endlessness.

That is different. So, the possibilities of Zhineng Qigong are, they are indescribable. They, I, I, I wish I could meet Dr. Pang so I could bow to him. To say, wow. There is, there is nothing more than that. I've met many spiritual teachers in my life. In person from what I understand from Dr. Pang, none of them have this understanding.

I always get a little bit, emotional about it. 

Yes. Yes. Now I can, I can, I can, sense that, the work of Dr. Pang means a lot to you. And, u I mean, this is, I'm 

sorry if I overwhelmed you with too much. 

No, it's all very, very fascinating. I just think this is, you're, you're kind of, you also have, although it's complex, right?

But you have a talent of putting these, these, very difficult theories. Into relatively easy words, simple words, because if you look at the books that Dr. Pang has written, I, very few people are able to read it and understand it. And, you kind of have Condensed this, the information and the knowledge in a, in a, in a, in a beautiful way, this tonight here.

So I'm very, very grateful for that. And, I feel like I could listen to you forever. And I know that there's so much more, so much more to say. And, I think that's, yeah, that's just a great opportunity for us to say, okay, let's schedule another session soon, where we maybe go a little deeper into some of the aspects that we've just discussed.

Because, that is so unique to have a possibility to pick a Western brain like yours and explain some of the essence, in such beautiful words, right? 

Okay. I hope. Torsten, I would really like, I understand, you know, that you have a specific format, but you can stop the recording or whatever you want, it doesn't matter, unless you have to go.

I, what I am listening to right now, because The activity of consciousness is to listen to what is, to what is. And so as I listen in our interaction, I'm very touched in my heart to wish to reach out to you, to not because there is a belief that you understand worse or better. No, that is not it. It is the motivation to reach out to communicate that right here and right now, consciousness is a reality that can touch my heart and can move me.

I can move me beyond the limitations of my belief that I am limited. I can be touched, I can be moving. The Qi field has many different aspects, but primarily we can experience it in our heart. This is a, bsic concept of healing, which is to be in, in the, in the scripture, the Buddhist scripture that Zhineng Qigong, one of the ones that Zhineng Qigong is founded on is.

To be touched in one's heart, like if your words, you're you'll be you being there as consciousness is touching to it in a way it is independent of your understanding of what I'm saying, you know, it is you everyone is consciousness, everyone, but so what I'm listening I say, this is important to mention right now, or reality is consciousness, can I be touched to this.

This is Dr. Pang is. express this in a very clear way. Humanity's greatest need is to develop the capacity. Consciousness humanity's greatest need in other words. He meant it's urgent

It is urgent to develop our capacity to have a Conscientious existence. What does that mean? It means to be knowing that I am I'm really conscious as I am a spirit, and in human beings, we reach to that through the experience of our heart, to the opening. Kai Shen. Kai Shen means open heart, also means happiness, actually.

That's what it is. So happiness is the healing agent in Zhineng Qigong. It's openness. Kai Shen. Opening our heart. So All I can do is to, because I wish for the love of consciousness to mention this to you. This is, this is what we all need. I need it. You need it. Everybody needs it. This is the healing that everyone needs.

To be moved beyond the limitations of our mind, you know, our mind, which is not actually the real mind. The real mind is intelligence. It's Yi Yuan Ti, the original.

I think, Federico, these are again, beautiful words, for the closing. I think this is a great message that you're giving us here. So, I'd like to thank you very, very much Federico. And, let's, you know, say goodbye. Let's talk a little bit about how we can make this knowledge of yours and, you know, all your studying of Zhineng Qigong more accessible, you know, to a broader audience here, because I think, your, the way you have approached it is quite unique.

So without, without making any comparisons to each other. To other teachers because we just said that, you know, just by doing the exercise, you are already opening up, towards that path. Yet, you know, there's so many things that you said today that I haven't really heard in that clarity before.

So, I think there's more, you know, more to look into, together. And but for tonight, I'd like to thank you very much because we've come to the end of our little format here, our podcast. And so thank you very much, Federico. It was a pleasure to have you here tonight. And, yes, and I look forward to another conversation.

Thank you, Torsten. I, I, I very much appreciate meeting you to get to know your person. And, like I mentioned originally, I, the message of Zhineng Qigong is so clear and so pure. If I am given any opportunity to put any, any movement towards that realization, I will do it. I will speak with you or anybody who is interested in it.

Because it is, like Dr. Pang said, this is humanity's greatest need. It's not necessarily an empty problem, that's not what he meant. It is to develop a conscious attitude, to realize that, you know, we are one. 

We trust you enjoyed this conversation and we invite you to subscribe to our podcast so we can stay in touch and notify you.

of future episodes. We will end today's episode with the eight verses meditation performed by Zhineng Qigong teacher Katrien Hendrickx . Enjoy.

To get your free e book on the Eight Verses Meditation, please check the show notes below.