Wisdom Qigong Uncovered

Forever young with Qigong: Hilda Braun

Hilda Braun Season 1 Episode 6

Zhineng Qigong became a transformative practice for Hilda Braun, who discovered it later in life. Hilda always had the intention of living a long and active life. Assisted living was not an option for her although many tried to persuade her that it was. She sought for ways to maintain her independence and health instead. Alternative medicine became her focus after facing significant health challenges, including breast cancer and lung complications.

A coincidence led her to Hawaii. Here she’d meet her Qigong family. Master Liu among the teachers. She’d participate in Qigong sessions, sharing and building the Qi field - she didn’t think much of it. Doing the La Qi method she noticed shoulder pain. Master Liu placed his hand on her shoulder and it was gone completely. The Qi field being shared in a group was so strong that Hilda believes it could’ve only been Qi.

Chen Qi and La Qi methods became integral to her self-healing practice, particularly after a car accident. Already dealing with the effectives of a double mastectomy and lung conditions - her chest already fragile. It was the consistent practice of Chen Qi and La Qi that assisted in healing her chest.

Zhineng Qigong and mindset transformation was key to Hilda's recovery and continued vitality. Determination helped her overcome multiple health setbacks and life changes. Healthy lifestyle choices became her priority. Positive thinking and resilience allowed her to see purpose in her challenges and losses. Self-healing became Hilda's primary approach to wellness, often choosing natural methods over conventional treatments.

Community played a significant role in her Qigong practice, providing support and motivation. Mind-body connection was a fundamental principle Hilda embraced, understanding the power of intention and thought in physical healing. Life purpose emerged from her experiences, inspiring her to share her journey with others. 

Mindful Moments

  • Zhineng Qigong is perfect at any age. There’s no limitations. Even though Hilda was introduced later it was still beneficial.
  • Alternative medicine became Hilda’s focus after facing breast cancer and lung complications.
  • Qigong group session: Sharing the Qi field is a powerful experience for physical and emotional healing.
  • Chen Qi method: This method helps clear blockages, improve Qi flow, and enhance hand sensitivity. By focusing on hand meridians and acupressure points, it can improve lung and heart function and strengthen overall health.
  • La Qi method: This teaches a simple Qi (vital life force) gathering and distribution technique. By directing Qi to specific areas, you can promote healing and balance. This practice fosters a connection with nature and yourself, leading to overall well-being.
  • Life intention and determination was a driving factor to share story with others
  • Mind-Body Connection: Hilda embraced the principle of the mind-body connection, recognizing the power of intention and thought in facilitating physical healing.

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Welcome to the Zhineng Qigong Community Podcast, Wisdom Qigong Uncovered. My name is Torsten Lueddecke and this is today's story.

When great grandmother Hilda Braun was told she should go into assisted living, she turned her life upside down and coincidentally ended up on Hawaii, living in a tiny shanty with three young girls. This is where she met Zhineng Qigong. Follow her on her journey towards life of health, happiness, adventure, and friendship.

Meeting incredible people along the way and deciding to become a Hunyuanqi therapist herself. Now this is her story. Hilda lives in Canada at the beautiful Lake Echo, and she is already, may I, may I give it away, Hilda, 82? No, no, I'd like 

people to guess instead. Okay, 

okay. Let's guess then. Yeah. Came to Zhineng Qigong, rather in at the later stage of her life.

She only discovered it seven years ago, but she took initiative. She decided to join the energy therapy program. She traveled to Austria, to, Cyprus, to join the onsite module. And she is, really an inspiration for many, many people. So I thought, you know, let's have a chat with Hilda and see how she discovered Shi Go, what it means for her, and yeah, what is the secret to her everlasting youth.

Hilda, welcome to the show. 

Thank you. Here I am. Yes. So, seven years ago, my life went kind of sideways. In fact, it went completely upside down. And it was one day when my husband said to me, I can't do this anymore. And we had been working out at gym. We wanted to stay healthy. I had always told him we were going to dance at a hundred.

And he would laugh because he wasn't even a dancer. And I said, I would say to them, they won't care how we, what we're doing. They'll just be happy we're up. Okay, walking. And so anyway, within three months. He was diagnosed with an aggressive, cancer and, it took him down in six weeks. So I lost my love, I lost my, my children lost their father.

We have five, four children, nine grandchildren and two great grandchildren now. So that gives you a bit of my, of my age. So anyway, I decided after much upset with my own health, because a year on the anniversary of his death, I was given the call that I had breast cancer. Well, that was not what I wanted to hear, because I was living my life in a lovely home run thing in Airbnb, which was going to be my retirement.

So suddenly my life went sideways. And I, I, went through a lot of diagnosis. I went through complete A bilateral mastectomy, and then Ended up with blood clots and actually had died when my daughter walked in the door. I just collapsed and I had my, had lungs, my lungs both had blood clots and I went down and within a minute I was at the hospital.

I lived close to the hospital, which was a blessing. And She also, she's a nerd. She knew she, because I'd collapsed into the couch. She knew she had to throw, move me, and she rolled me down and later on told me, I didn't know you could be so heavy. And, that's what you call dead weight. So, needless to say, they couldn't do anything normal with me because I was all wrapped up.

I had like a bikini that was covering, Where the surgery had been, and, so they couldn't, put the heart monitors on. So I ended up with like a big bomb on my chest, which they monitored me from. And I went down three more times. I got to the point where I wasn't allowed to stand up, because I would, a clot would move and I would be gone.

So, but anyway, to make our story short, about the sixth day, they removed everything, and I said to the doctor, can I go home, and she said to me, Why would you want to go home? She said, your body shut down three times. I said, I can heal better at home than I can heal here. And off I went. So, needless to say, with the lungs, and then I developed a condition called group, which was due to stero, alcohol, I mean, not alcohol, steroids, and, it was just, I was, I was told I should be going into a senior's residence and assisted living.

Well, my back went up, and I was not heading into assisted living, and I decided I would fight it. And the doctor said to me, what are you going to do? I said, well, watch me. I said, so I talked to a girl, a friend of mine, and she said in Europe, when people develop these lung conditions, they take them to the sea, and they, to a spa, to breathe nice air.

And so I went, I looked up health spas, I went to health spa, to the salt spa, I threw my drugs away because I figured they were causing the issue. I threw them away. I didn't tell my doctor. I went through a crazy drug withdrawal with that and to the point I could hardly walk. Then about three months after, so the doctor said, okay, we will follow you and we will see what you are doing.

And I said, I'm organic. I'm going organic and I'm exercising and I'm healthy. I'm just gonna breathe, salt air. I even bought Himalayan salt lamps, had them in my bedroom, and in my living room, and, and just made my place a spa. 


I had a, I had a deck where I put a water feature, and I had lots of plants, and I called it my healing garden.

Okay. And it was Christmas that year when, I said to my, just before I said to my doctor I was in for a routine appointment, I said, you know what, they didn't make another appointment for an MRI. He said, call them. So I called, and the nurse said, who's calling, I said, Hilda Braun. She said, your lungs are clean.

I said, okay, thank you. That's all I need to hear. She said, you want to see the doctor? I said, no, no, it's okay. I'm fine. Okay, I can breathe because I was having a hard time breathing, a real hard time. I said, I know I'm fine because my breathing is good. So then Google had become my buddy at night in my bed researching And then I decided in January, I need to go somewhere.

I need to get away. I have too many people telling me what to do. So, my granddaughter was in England at the time and I'm booking a flight for England when the lady said, Oh, you know, you have enough points to go to Hawaii. Air miles. I said, Oh, okay. So I went into the back burner because I thought I was heading to England.

But she then came home and my trip changed and off I went to Hawaii. And that's where I met Qigong because I was living on a seven acre off the grid farm in a shanty. with three other young girls. It was a life changing experience. First of all, I learned I could live tiny. I could live small because I had a big house, 3, 000 square foot house.

I found I could live tiny and I was happy. And, and then Lou at Coca Lulu said to me, we're giving you the retreat. All you have to do for payback is make bread and soup for us, for the group. I said, no problem. I'll cook because I loved, I grew up cooking. So. I started to cook their soup and I, and I thought, well, I'm not really interested in this Qigong.

I'm just going to go and, you know, sit there and fake it. Well, you know what? It didn't take long that Qigong got a hold of me. My heart, the people were amazing. The team was amazing. Lu was there from China, Brita. It was amazing. And, I started to, at large, okay. You want to know about Qigong? What Qigong It's all about your intentions and learning to live a healthy life, a very healthy life.

Right. And 

I learned, okay, I learned there that we, we learned about fermenting. All these things weren't strange to me because my mother had done all those things. Our parents did those things, okay. They didn't have the super stores that we have. So they, and we grew all our own. So now here I live in Nova Scotia.

I grow all my own food. I am living healthy. Okay, and I pickle everything. So, but anyway, so, ask me a question. 

So basically, if I understand that correctly, you went to Hawaii and you participated in a retreat, in a healing retreat, as a participant with Master Liu and with Britta and other Huyuan Qi therapists.

And then you discover, wow, this is really cool. Great. This is working for me. There's more in it. And then you decided to become an energy therapist yourself. Is that correct? 

Well, not really. At first, I'll tell you, my real reason for joining at first was it was a good group to travel with and to meet. So I decided because I'm now alone and I, Rudy and I had done quite a bit of traveling.

We love to And we always traveled and hiked. We didn't go to all inclusives, we went to places where we'd rent a car or whatever, and we would adventure out into the mountains and, and get healthy, okay? So, so no, I was not going into Qigong for, for that reason at first. In fact, they know it. They knew it.

Britta knew it. I was doing it for self healing, and for, and for, you know, I was safe with them. They were great people to meet. I knew if I traveled, when I, my first trip was from, was to Cyprus. And I knew that when I got there, even I made this horrendous journey all by myself, okay? I knew when I got there would be all kinds of hugs for me and breathing.

Happy, you see, that I had arrived and I didn't get, the one that scared them all the most, I think, was when I was on the train in Austria and everybody thought I was lost. They couldn't find me. But, I was on the right train coming the right way. So, but, what I found, because one of the days they told us we were going to do lunchy for an hour, one of the guys told me, Lee told me, I said, you gotta be kidding, an hour?

Sitting and ding La Qi. That's pretty crazy. So I thought, okay, we'll work on it. You, I, I did it. But as soon as we're done, I ended up with this horrible pain under my rib, under my shoulder in the back. And so I got up and I walked across the room and, and Lisa said, what's wrong with you? I said, I got this crazy pain under my shoulder.

He said, where? I said, back under my shoulder. Told you on the left side. He touched it and the pain went away. Instant, right? Gone. But see, the energy that was flowing through us all Yes. And the believing that it heals because a lot of it is mind. Yes. Okay, your mind, open heart, open heart, open mind. 

And you obviously took on a lot of these learnings, you know, the, about the mindset, about, the consciousness in your daily life, because, you know, you are, you are, you are, You've gone through a lot of physical illnesses and you're now here sitting happy, you're traveling again and obviously enjoying life.

So how have you taken all of these lessons into your daily life? How are you integrating that? Are you in touch with the people, with your Qigong friends, how does that work? 

I can tell you, I have a, what my, I was still in Ontario when I was living in the condo. That I told you about. And because I had to sell my house.

I couldn't keep. I lost my husband. I always said I lost my husband. I lost my girls, which are my best and I lost. I had to sell my house because I couldn't maintain, even think to keep it. Okay. And I couldn't put that load on my children. Okay. So fortunately that the market was amazing. And I had a job.

I got a good price very quickly in one day. I had five offers for my oak. Okay, which is amazing. Okay, and especially in Ontario. So, so, but did you ask me? 

Well, how, how are you integrating all of this knowledge? Oh, 

yeah. So, I was helping, my, my son had, had, had a, the baby was, Michaela was six months old when Rudy died.

And now, this is two and a half years later, I'm living in a condo, and they, once a day I would have the children, for the day. And I said to them, let's go do a picnic at the park. And, cause I love pic I I'm an outdoors per I love to live outside, okay? So, we went to the park and I packed hot dogs, of course, that's what and marshmallows, the things they would like.

And we started a fire, and for cooking our hot dogs, and we had sticks. And, when one of the sticks came out, Kenan, who was in fire, Five grabbed a stick, but he grabbed it by the hot end and I just, I saw a disaster and I had, I was out in the park with all this stuff, the kids and I, a kid with a hand that's going to be, he's going to be, I grabbed his hand so fast and I shoved it into my mouth and I said, no, no, no, go, go, go, heal, heal, heal, normal, normal, normal.

I went into the whole thing that I'd seen in Hawaii that they were doing. And he pulled his hand out, and he looked at it, and he said, He said, What happened, Omi? And it was gone. There was nothing. It was, there was not a mark. It was gone. 

Great. Great. He was healing. 

I went home to tell his parents, you know, and James thought, Mom, what are you into?

What is this? I said, It works. Okay. You see the energy and, and seeing it healed. Okay. Knowing there was another incident that I can tell you about was I had a car accident just before I was supposed to move here. And the guy stopped abruptly in front of me, I hit him, my airbag went off, hit my, a very fragile chest.

And I, I remember saying to my kids, if the accident doesn't kill you, the airbags will. Because I was sore. I was really, really, really sore from that. And I had to pack and, and so much to do that I couldn't be sore. I had no time, I could hardly lift my arms. And I went to the doctor, they checked me, said nothing's hurt, you're just very bruised.

The next morning I got up and I thought, you know, they always talk about intention. And being intentional. So, I gotta heal my chest. So that day, my job was to heal my chest. And I got up that morning and I started to do chen qi, and then I, chen qi, because I knew, I knew all about the, you know, I had learned that, first of all, I never thought that our organs were all, like, connected.

I always thought the heart sits there and the lungs sit there, but they're, they're all in membranes, and they're all connected. It all, So I start to do chenchi and I alternated between chen qi and la qi. And as much all day long in between a drink of water and something to eat and then I would be back at it.

The next morning I woke up, the swelling was gone, the pain was gone and I could pack.

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I mean, it's, it's amazing how well you took on all these lessons then I know you, you went there for the purpose of having a good time meeting great people, but yeah, you still be a very good students, obviously that you taught that you took on all these things and using them for yourself and for your family and the people around you.

So, yes, that's, that's great. 

That's my name. And now my, I feel. I feel that I've been spared death four times in one week, okay, where I was brought back. 


That there is, first of all, that my daughter walked in, just as I was taping, going down. She came to make me coffee. It was just two days after the surgery.

She knew I'd be getting up and she made coffee and with that I went down and that she was there and knew what to do And called 9 1 1 and had it all in place. I've decided that there's a purpose 


and I can't and I can't waste it. Sitting around feeling sorry for me is not What I'm going to do. Okay.

We moved out here and it'll be. Five years this May that I moved out here to Nova Scotia. Oh, and my sister again told me, Oh, you know, really you should think to go into the seniors where you'll get help when you need. I said, why? And she said, well, what if? And I said, I've never lived with what if? So I'm not going to start with what if now, okay?

So I said to her, I'm moving. To Nova Scotia. James wants me to come along. I know that's where my husband wanted to go and retire someday. He wanted to move to the coast. Because we're only 10 minutes from the Atlantic. I live on a lake and I can be in 10 minutes at the Atlantic Ocean. And I can walk, walk, walk, walk the beach.

Okay. I can be out there breathing all this beautiful air and keeping my lungs clean. Okay. And I garden. I have a greenhouse. I have plants growing right now. I have plants all over my house. I think I have 12 plants in this little space. So, I feel as one lady said to me when I was in Hawaii, she asked me, why are you here on a farm?

And I said, she said, because at your age, most women. Well, she used the word commit suicide. In other words, they quit. They quit doing it and they get old and they go into these seniors homes and they get old and, and wait to die. Well, that wasn't me. That was never my plan. And even when I was down in my lowest point, there was no way I wanted to be there.

And so I said to my sister, I'm moving to Nova Scotia and I'm buying a kayak. And I did. And I go out on the boat, on my kayak, and I'm not the oldest lady on the kayak out here. There is an old man out here. I shouldn't call him that. A sweet old gentleman out up the lake. He is 92. If the day, every day, When there's no ice on the water, he paddles his boat all the way up the lake and back and he's, and feeds the ducks and he's 92 years old.

So, you know, 

no, no excuse for you not to do it. Right. No, 

I see him. They're nothing. Okay. There's my challenge. Okay. Right there. Get out on the boat. Okay. Nowhere you go. So, you know, there are so much we can do. Even as seen here's a. I now volunteer. My children are both paddlers. My grandchildren are both paddlers and my son is on the committee for the club and so I'm in fundraising with them.

I help raise money. And make people happy. 

Great. And rumor has it, Hilda, that you were invited to Italy to join a healing retreat. That's not a rumor, 

that's a fact, I'll be there. 

Tell us about that. 

In fact, in March, I'm heading to New York, and Lou is coming there, and then Richard is going to be hosting him, and I'm joining in in New York, and then hope to, I've never done sentry.

So I hope to be with some of, because there's a whole group of buddies there. And so I've joined, they're my, Qigong family. Okay. That I connect with EWE. Yes. Okay. Yes. And then 

you, then you are traveling further to Italy? 

And then, and that's in March. And then in Italy, I will be there. I'm hoping to go to Spain.


While I'm there and hopefully Abdiya doesn't know yet, but I hope to see Abdiya and her new baby. 

Okay, cool. So all friends from the Voynichy therapy program. 

Yeah, I would go tomorrow to Lebanon to meet Rasmik if I could, you know, but it's that's very scary out there. So, you know, so no my family my grandchildren, they'll see what I and I'll talk about that.

Things are, in fact, my New York gang, a bunch of them came here and spent a whole week with me at my place last summer. So, you know what, getting old is no joke, but it's all what you make of it. 

Right. Right. And I'm curious to hear also about, you know, how the people see you today that, you know, those years ago were saying, please take it easy.

Please coach. Or, 

well, how did they see me? They think it's great what I'm doing. But they're not really I've tried to introduce. I've showed them some of the exercise because I come from a family of eight. Okay. I'm in the middle of that batch. And so we were all in, in South Carolina on the beach there last year.

And so, . They're walking badly, and they're, they're having heart issues, and they're having, oh, oh, a stroke, a couple of them. And I start to show them how to do exercises, on the beach there, and like that. But, you know, it's got to be in your heart, too. You better want to do it. It's got to grab you. And it's not something you just do once every month, okay?

It's, um If your body wants to be healthy, you need to move it regularly and move it often, okay? Because in the good old days, people lived on farms, and they did chin chin chin every day without knowing it. In their working, you know what I mean? They did the act, okay? And they also used your brain. Now, people are from the couch to the car, to the restaurant.

Okay, and it's showing up on them, but no, they, they were, they're, they all were here. I had them all here for a week, and we celebrated my one brother's 50th, and we did a seafood eastern dinner, which was lobster, and with all the trimmings. And they've all agreed that I couldn't have made a better choice.

Very, very nice. And I, and I think we all have that experience in our lives that there are people where we feel it would benefit them greatly, you know, to do some exercises like she, she got, it just doesn't resonate with them. So I think all we can do is really, you know, send positive information, include them in our training, in our chief fields and so on.

And through that, yeah. Yeah, doing well. 

I tell them about YouTube channels. They will go to to see lift you up, pour you down to learn to do that because there's great people on YouTube that are teaching that. And I've suggested that kind of thing. But you know what it is when I come home from home for, I go to visit the family at back home, I come home tired and a little and often upset.

Because I don't like what I'm seeing. Okay. But I can't change that. But when I go, when I go with my Qigong family anywhere, I come home invigorated. I come home with energy and like my neighbors will tell you that when I come home from like New York or wherever and I've been with my Qigong family people, they, I just come, you know, it just energizes because we're on the same, we're in the same path.

Right. Trying to encourage each other to stay healthy. Yes. To eat healthy. You know, you are what you eat and you are what you think. Okay. All right. Negatives, negatives of thoughts have to be turned into positive thoughts. Okay. Instead of. Okay. So. 

I think that was wonderful to hear from you, Hilda, and to share your story and where you at.

And, I think it's a great example. And yeah, I know a lot of people would say, wow, she's so amazing, et cetera, et cetera. You are so amazing on one level, but on another, you are just very clever because you do what does you good. You do what improves the quality of your life rather than rather than taking away from it.

So it's a natural choice. 

I had a very good, I'll put a little thing in here, I had a very good doctor when my children were little, who said to me, when something goes sideways, it's like they have a rash, he said, see what you've changed either in their diet or in the laundry soap. He said, I know your body, know your body.

When you, doctor gives you a pill and it makes you suddenly, you're going down instead of getting healthier, get rid of that pill. Don't go tell them that pill, because they will give you another pill to try to make that pill work better. So, my, my thing is, I know we need doctors, we really, before a doctor, we let them give us stuff, we should know what we're eating, and to keep ourselves healthy.

And our exercise. If we have pain, we need to move, because there's a blockage, right? So you move, and open that blockage, so that you don't have to go, I mean, when my chest went, when that airbag hit, I had a lot of pain. And then one, over one night, one day, he was gone, okay? He wanted to give me painkillers.

And I said, no, I don't want painkillers. He said, what are you going to do? I said, watch me. I'm going home. You know, so. Yeah, I was, I mean, I came from a family. I mean, I was, my earliest memory of my childhood is standing in the food line. So this will give my age away. Standing in the food line. Not a food blind, holding a bowl to get my grits at a refugee camp, okay?

When Hitler, when the Russians first invaded Ukraine. Right. Eighty plus years ago. Hang on. Okay, that was, that's my first recollection. And the, the bowl of grits that I picked up, that was at a German, we had already left. And I was in a German camp. Refugee camp waiting. My father was applying for immigration to Canada and we were blessed to get the okay, right?

That was my earliest recognition of my childhood. Okay, so I saw parents that were strong and Determined to make their life better. I think That helps to form you that formed me. 

Yes, I think that's a good that is a great way of Explaining why some people at some point in their life learn that lesson about what a commitment and intention really means And in this case, it was a commitment and the intention of your parents towards Your life and their own life to make it work and to get into a much better situation.

And you just take this on for the rest of your life. And, and now you're here with an intention of creating the best for you and the people around you. And, it's, yeah, it's very positive to hear where that comes from. So that is your first memory. It makes total sense. 

My childhood was not. As, playing, with dolls.

Never had one. My first doll I got was in Canada, and, well, the other thing was my father only got, he had lost his arm in a farming accident. My father played the piano, though, with an artificial hand. He could entertain the crowd. So, you know, we saw a man with, a, a determination to make a life. For himself and his family.

Yes. Anm, so I think that has helped me a lot. That is part of that has formed, that formed me into my way of thinking. And but you know when you get old, like you know, if you listen to everybody, you want to just, you could just quit. Okay, that would be the easy road. But I was never one to choose the easy road.

And I think that, I think that is a beautiful, you know, finishing words of our conversation here because, I, you know, there are many people at very different stages of their lives and different stages of where their mindset is and, you know, what the, their commitment is towards their own life. And you know, hopefully this conversation has given some of them, you know, a new inspiration of, Well, if Hilde can do it, then maybe I can do it as well.

If Hilde finds this passion, maybe I can find that as well. And I think that is the purpose of this, one of the purposes of this conversation. So, because we all learn from each other and it's always great to see someone making it work. And so I thank you for that, Hilde. 

Yes, because, and you know, belonging to a group is really important.

Like okay, my husband and I, when we worked out, we always did it together because if one did it without the other, it didn't work. So when he went with my brother, I didn't go along, it didn't work. But when we decided to work together, we challenged each other. And when you work together in a group like Qigong, you challenge each other to be the best you can be, okay?

And to, and to love yourself and love people. 

Thank you very much, Shildon. Thank you very much for this conversation. I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedule. What is it? Well, I'm pretty open. Have you been on the lake today already, or is it still to come? No, 

we got a foot of snow yesterday.

Oh, okay. No way. It's snowing right now. And right now the lake is not safe because we had a warm spell and. You can't we're not going to take a chance because it's very deep. Okay, so no, I walk but I live on a hill and I live like in Austria, you know, when I came to Austria, that was just like how I live on a hill.

Okay, my little house is on a hill, everywhere, every which way I go, I have to go downhill or uphill or, I never walk on the level. The only place I walk where it's really level is at the beach.


All right. Well, thank you very much, Nilda. Have a fantastic day further. And thank you very much for the conversation. 

Thank you. And say hi to Britta from me, okay? Give her a hug. 

We trust you enjoyed this conversation and we invite you to subscribe to our podcast so we can stay in touch and notify you of future episodes.

We will end today's episode with the Eight Verses Meditation performed by Zhineng Qigong teacher Katrien Hendrickx. Enjoy.

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